The Vibrational Power of Words
“Words matter” is a phrase I keep hearing repeatedly on television, in print, and on social media. Yes, words matter, and you know why? Because it is through words that an idea forms, and actions are taken. The mere vibration of a word alters our feelings and causes a reaction either visceral or amorous. The way a person inflects the word can create additional meaning as well.
When you hear the words, “I love you.” Do you feel all warm and grateful? I imagine it makes a difference who is saying the words as to how it makes you feel. Words spoken have meaning. Their vibration can both heal or damage our outlook on a situation.
Vibrations matter
There have been many scientific experiments around plants and words. An experiment with three seedlings placed in three separate cups is proof positive that words matter. Each seedling received the same amount of water and light during the experiment. The only difference between the cups was this, the word love was written on cup one, stupid was written on cup two, and nothing was written on the third cup as a control.
Over the next couple of weeks, the word written on each respective cup was spoke aloud to each seeding. The results were amazing. The love cup seedling flourished and grew tall, the stupid seedling bent over, wilted and did not thrive. The control seedling grew at a normal pace but not anything extraordinary. You can check out “The Word Power Experiment” here.
Why do you think it is written in the Bible God said, “Let there be light?” By indicating God said, as opposed to just writing the phrase, God created, we feel the vibration of the creation. The fact that “God said” has meaning. Do you feel the difference? You can imagine a loud majestic voice saying, “Let there be light.” You can feel the words vibrating through your body.
That is the power of words. “The pen is mightier than the sword.”, as first spoken by novelist and playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1839. I guess you could say, hearing is believing.