Check Number Twenty-Seven Off the Bucket List
Cody – Chapter Four
I don’t know what to think. I’ve never quite had someone jump me, kiss the hell out of me, then go into shock before. That’s one for the record books to cross off my bucket list. Number-27: Cause a woman to laugh hysterically to hyperventilation while kissing the hell out of her, check. “Paige, come on, let’s get going. We can discuss over dinner how to do this kissing thing without blacking out from a lack of oxygen.”
I stand up and offer my hand to pull her up off the concrete ledge. She’s looking up at me from under those long lashes and I see a hint of a smile. “I knew I had mad skills woman, but damn girl, you’re making me think I need to look up Professor Xavier and register as a mutant.” Paige starts giggling and it quickly turns into that cute snort laugh. Her face is red but turning back to normal and she grabs my hand and I help her stand up. “Cody, I don’t know what to say but I’m so sorry. Throwing myself at you is seriously not who I am.”
She’s nervously putting her hair behind her ears and will not stand still. I grab her hands and pull her into the circle of my arms to still her fidgeting. “Paige look at me, seriously this is by far the best day I’ve had in months. What just happened there, we are definitely making that happen again.” “Cody, I have seriously never lost my mind like that before and I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I’m not a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of girl.” I pull her in even closer and pull her chin up and I’m staring into those green eyes that are welling up with some moisture.
“Listen to me darlin, I’m perfectly fine with that, I have nothing but honorable intentions. I just wanna take you out for a meal and get to know you a little better, that’s it, I swear. With that being said though, I’m not sayin’ I don’t wanna see where this weird ass thing we’ve got going on here can go.” She’s starting to relax a little and I wipe away a tear with my thumb that spilled over. She’s sniffling and looking around to blow her nose on something. I pull out my handkerchief and wipe her nose. “Now blow” She blows her nose and gives me an appreciative smile. “Are we good?” She shakes her head, “Paige use your words darlin’” “Cody, I’m fine, really, let’s get going before Rhonda calls the Sheriff to report me missing. I told her we would be there like thirty minutes ago.”
I pull her toward my bike with her giving a little bit of resistance at first. She’s coming now without any pullback and I reach around the back of the bike and pull out a helmet. She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Betty’s is literally like 2 minutes from here, I don’t need a helmet.” “Alright, don’t be telling your friends I wasn’t a gentleman and didn’t offer you one.” She’s giving me a smirk, “Wearing a helmet will cramp my style with laying my head against your back while I’m holding on.” Just thinking about her all nestled up behind me is making my jeans all tight and uncomfortable in front. I’m glad she’ll be behind me because I’m pretty sure she’d feel how much I enjoyed that scary ass kiss. I throw my leg over the bike and sit down.
She’s looking at the bike and I can tell she’s never done this before, “So, I just hop on the back?” “Yep, that’s how it’s usually done.” I chuckle and I’m giving her my best boy next door smile. “Ok, here it goes.” She steps up and throws her leg over the back like a pro. “So I’m guessing, is this your first time on a motorcycle? I’m just asking for a friend.” She giggles, a sound I could really get used to.
“Actually, it is my first time riding a motorcycle.” “Well, I’ll take it nice and slow, so it doesn’t sting too much as I pop your motorcycle cherry.” I can see her face in the side mirror and I swear her face started turning all different shades of red again. She quickly regains her composure, “Well if one is going to have their cherry popped, it is best to have it done by someone who has lots of experience. At least that’s what all the older girls say.”
She is something to behold that’s for sure. Lord knows, I do like my women sassy. “Ok so are you all set back there?” She grabs me around the waist and lays her head against my back. I’m pretty sure I heard her expel a sigh, and did she just smell my hair? Paige points straight ahead and to the left, “Yeah yeah let’s get this muscle machine going before the town shows up with torches looking for me. You’re just gonna go straight down main street here and Betty’s will be on the left.”
Paige wasn’t kidding when she said Betty’s was two minutes away but judging from our drive here I’m pretty sure everything in this town is two to five minutes away. We enter Betty’s and it’s your typical small town greasy spoon diner. There’s a long counter running the length of it with about 10 stools in front. All the stools are occupied with local good ole’ boys drinking coffee. As soon as we walk in I swear everyone just stopped what they were doing and are giving us that, who the hell are you, look.
Paige is looking around the restaurant and catches sight of a blond waitress who’s walking over to greet us. “Hey Paige, you took way longer than 10 minutes girl. I was about to call your Dad and report you missing.” I look at Paige and she’s looking at me and cringing. I’m quickly putting two and two together. “Rhonda, this is Cody, the man I’m having dinner with.’’ “Sure hun you told me that already on the phone and what is going on with your right eye twitching? Come on back, I’ve got your booth ready.”
I grab her arm and stop her from following Rhonda. Getting real close I whisper in her ear, “So, I take it your Dad is the Sheriff?” Paige is giving me one of those creepy smiles, you know like when you’re straining and showin’ all your teeth. She whispers back, “Guilty.” She turns around to follow Rhonda back to our table and grabs my hand to pull me along. All I can think is great, this is just fuckin’ great. Out of all the towns in the world I find the one hot woman that I wanna do all kinds of unspeakable things to and her Dad is the fuckin’ Sheriff! I’ve see horror movies that start like this. Seriously I have.