Paige and Cody – The Story Unfolds
After 40 years of reading romance novels, I’ve decided to write one of my own. I’ve always been a creative person but this is a first for me so we’ll see how it goes. Feel free to comment and make suggestions on the content and keep in mind this is only the beginning of this story.
Thank you for joining in and let us see where this goes!
Read along as the story unfolds between Paige, a small town girl with big dreams, and Cody, a big city boy who just wants the simple life.
Smooth Ride ~ by Sidney Eir a.k.a. Kathleen Coleman
She’s Just a Small Town Girl
Paige – Chapter One There are two different types of people who grow up in a small town. Those who never leave and those who dream to explore the world and escape. After completing my degree in history and anthropology I was going to travel to Scotland, find my Highlander, and find the love of my life. I blame the discovery of my first 200-page romance novel at the pivotal age of 13. My whole understanding of life and love were warped from that day forward. I was never satisfied with the local boys who were sons of farmers and local merchants. I did occasionally date them, but I never got serious. Getting serious meant getting stuck in this tiny town of Alma, Missouri population 600 counting cows and blades of grass. I wanted to spread my wings and taste all the experiences the world could offer. I could never be satisfied with spending my Friday nights getting drunk on Southern Comfort on the back end of Bobby Taylor’s truck. It was a toss-up as to who would end up in the hospital trying to light a fart from the bonfire. I kid you not, that is what would happen on a typical Friday night. It was somewhat comforting living in a small town knowing everyone, and everyone know me but being the Sheriff’s daughter put a bullseye on my back. I had to be perfect all the freakin’ time. Do you know how exhausting that is? Trust me I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. I was everyone’s business and if I even thought about doing something wrong, my parents knew about it before I did. There’s nothing juicier in a small town than the Sheriff’s daughter getting into trouble. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen” I would hear the town gossips say under their breath when I’d pass by. “My whole understanding of life and love were warped from that day forward.” ~Paige My family being one of the founders of the town sort of made us small-town royalty without all the perks of Buckingham Palace. My Dad’s brother Ben, my favorite Uncle, owned the only gas station in town and since he didn’t have any kids, I became his social experiment in child rearing. I was his little shadow following him around his garage fixing cars, changing oil, and learning to cuss like a sailor. He would drop a tool or hit his hand and the whole string of the worst cuss words would spew from his mouth. I had to find out the hard way that these words were only to be used in Uncle Ben’s garage. These were not words to be used in school ever and if they were used, you would have a significant emotional experience with the Principal and get detention after school. My twenty-second year was both the best and worst of my life. I managed to graduate with my history and anthropology degree and was planning my first trip abroad to Scotland when my Uncle Ben died of a massive heart-attack. He was found slumped over the engine of Mr. Matthews’ Cadillac and I was shocked to find out that he had left his gas station to me. I was the only kid in the family between him and my Dad but always thought he would leave it to Danny Rogers who he pretty much took under his wing and treated like a son since Danny was 14. So here I am five years later still in Alma, Missouri, running my Uncle Ben’s gas station. What is that old saying, “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” What was I supposed to do? Just walk away and leave behind everything that Uncle Ben built? Abandon his dreams and selfishness keep my own? He taught me to how change a cars oil and rebuild an engine. He had the storytelling expertise of a Scotsman and laugh so infectious you’d laugh without knowing what you were laughing about. Uncle Ben was the father I always wanted, my protector, and the voice of reason that kept me out of trouble. Read Chapter Two Cody Now.
He’s Just a Big City Boy
Chapter Two – Cody Crap I can’t be going the right way, I should have run into I-70 by now and I know I’ve seen that same damn road sign to Alma at least once already. I scan the landscape zooming down the two-lane highway seeing nothing but corn, miles and miles of corn and that single white sign Alma- 5 miles. Is this town some sort of modern day Brigadoon? Whose idea was it anyway to take off on the open road without a plan – oh yeah that was my genius idea. I pull over on the side of the road yank off my helmet and throw it as hard as I can into the sea of cornstalks. “Great – this is just fuckin’ great”. Holding up my phone I turn around in a circle making myself dizzy trying to get just one bar. “Oh Holy hell” I rummage through my backpack looking for the pocket atlas I threw in out of habit on account you never know when technology is going to fail, like now. Missouri, Missouri, Minnesota, Mississippi, here it is, Missouri. I slide my finger down the legend looking for Alma. “Jesus Christ Alma isn’t even on the frickin’ map. Guess I’m taking the scenic route into Alma Missouri. Hope this little podunk town has a gas station and someplace to eat cuz I’ve reached critical mass”. Looking around I see where I threw my damn helmet. Brushing off the dirt, I strap it to the back of my bike. No use putting it on for 5 miles. I throw my leg over the seat and kick the bike back to life blaring AC/DC Highway to Hell. Smiling, I chuckle at the irony. I pull into town and see the one and only gas station right next to a Methodist church. Smiling to myself, I ride up to the gas pump, flip off the engine, and kick down the stand. I’m about to grab the nozzle when trouble in the form of a gorgeous redhead comes walking out of the station. “Hi there, you must be new in town, we’re a full-service station – you don’t pump your own gas here that’s my job.” She wipes her hands on a rag and stuffs it into her pocket “Sorry ma’am I didn’t mean to upset your system. Can I get it filled up with regular?”. I know what else I’d like to fill up. Wow where did that come from, it’s been too long apparently. I’m checking her out in her industrial overalls that’s hiding what I’m guessing are some dangerous curves. Smiling, I move to stand in front of her, “I’m not used to someone else pumping my gas. I normally like to be on a first name basis before allowing just anyone to stick a nozzle in my tank.” Chuckling, her green eyes give me the once over and roam back up to my face where they stay as she pulls up the lever and lifts the nozzle from the pump. She inserts the nozzle in my tank quirking up her eyebrow, “Name’s Paige and you would be?” “Cody, Cody Dalton ma’am nice to meet ya Paige….? “Paige – None of your business. Just call me Paige. What brings you to town? I don’t get many strangers through here especially not mysterious ones riding a souped-up Harley.” “OK just Paige, I hate to say it but regretfully I’m lost and can’t seem to get a signal on my phone to show me the way back to I-70. I figured I’d take a chance and drive into Alma, find some gas, eat, and get a room for the night. I’ve been driving all day and I’ve hit my wall. Got any food recommendations cuz my stomach’s about to turn-in on itself.” To emphasize the point my stomach grumbled loud. Surprised by the outburst, we both start laughing. “Well I’d say your stomach is at def com 1 if that grumble is any indication. “Betty’s Café is the only place in town to get a hot meal. It’s not always a good meal but it’s always hot. Depends on who’s cooking today, Betty or her idiot nephew Pete.” “That’s a catchy slogan, that must get all kinds of people packin’ the place every night.” “Well don’t say I didn’t warn you later when you’re praying to the porcelain god”. “Where would this infamous Betty’s Café be located?” “Well I was just about to close up when you pulled up, I can lead you over there if you’d like since you’re lost and all. I have to go by there on my way out of town if you think you can wait a few minutes or should I say if your stomach can wait a few minutes.” “Darlin’ I’ve got nothing but time.” Smirking she taps the nozzle and inserts it back into the pump. “I bet you say that to all the girls. That’ll be 25 bucks.” “That’s funny the pump only says I owe 20.” “Yeah well I figure you owe me at least 5 bucks for subjecting me to your witty banter and sexual innuendos.” She winks at me and turns toward the station and starts to walk away, turning back around facing Cody and walking backward “Alright cowboy why don’t you reign in that libido and we’ll settle up inside for the gas.” “Well I guess I better behave myself then.” I follow her into the station and stand in front of the counter pulling out a $20 and a $5. “I was just kidding about the extra five dollars, put that back in your wallet.” “Tell you what, how about I buy you dinner to make up for subjecting you to all this.” I sweep my hands down the front of me with the expertise of Vanna White. She rolls her eyes and sticks her finger in her mouth like she’s going to puke. “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Where did you say you’re from, Modestville? I’m sure you have women falling all over themselves to hook-up with you with those kinds of pick-up lines.” She laughs with the cutest little snort. “Feisty I like that. Come on, have dinner with me, you gotta eat and I could use some company. I’ll be on my best behavior, scouts honor.” I place my right hand over my heart and hold up three fingers with my left hand. “This word you say, I don’t think it means what you think it means. She laugh/snorts again to herself and finishes whatever she is doing behind the counter. She gives me an appraising look and expels a breath, “Well you look harmless enough but I’m warning you, I know at least 50 ways to kill you with my pinky if you step out of line.” “I’ll do my best, I wouldn’t want to give you a reason to use that pinky on me.” I wink and give her my panty melting smile and start walking back out toward my bike. “I’ll just wait out here. I wouldn’t want to distract you or anything.” She shews me out of the station, “I’ll just be 10 minutes tops.” I wait by my bike checking my tires and clean away all the dead bug carcasses from the windshield and hope like hell that Betty is cooking today and not her “idiot nephew” Pete. Read Chapter Three Paige Now
How to Win a Guy by Laughing Hysterically Until You Hyperventilate
Paige – Chapter Three I’m standing there staring, just downright staring at his backside as he struts out to that souped-up Harley like he hasn’t got a care in the world. I look down and I am literally drooling onto my counter. “Oh, good lord, what is wrong with me?” I wipe up the wet spot and dry my hand on the front of my grease covered overalls. I get back to closing out my cash drawer for the day and see my reflection. Is that dirt on my cheek? I wipe the smudge off with a clean rag from my pocket. It’s not like you’ve never seen a good-looking guy before Paige. Pull it together girl, you still got to make it through a whole dinner with that smart mouth of his. I peek out the window and see he is busy cleaning up his bike and decide to call over to Betty’s to reserve a booth and see who is cooking tonight. God, I hope it’s Betty. “Hey Rhonda, I was going to stop in for dinner and was wondering who you ‘all got in the kitchen tonight?” “Hey Paige, Betty’s cooking tonight. Pete called in sick today, but I think someone slipped him something last night at Brody’s Bar to prevent further food casualties.” Rhonda laughs to herself, “I’m joking but seriously, that boy cannot cook worth a darn. I really don’t know why Betty keeps him around.” “Rhonda, Pete just needs some time to get acclimated to short order cooking and Betty keeps hoping that he has some of her cooking gene. I’m with you though, I think he’s a lost cause in the kitchen.” I turn around and peek out the window again at this guy who has me all befuddled. I normally don’t act like a star-struck school girl around guys and it’s really annoying me. Cody catches me peaking at him. He smiles and winks at me as he’s leaning up against his bike with his arms crossed across his chest. Man, it has been a long time since I’ve had me some strong arms around me. I quickly turn my line of sight back to my computer screen and pretend I didn’t see him wink at me. Oh my god, did I just drool again? Good Lord help me. I quickly wipe the drop away and refocus. “How busy are you guys over there Rhonda? Can I have my usual spot in the back?” “Sure, no worries. I’ll make sure Mary doesn’t sit anyone back there. Are you eating alone, or do you have a hot date?” “Rhonda, since when have you known me to have a “hot date” in this town?” “Well you’ve got a point, Alma is not known for its hot guys. Please tell me one came into town and you’re going to share!” “It just so happens that a handsome stranger did come into town today but I’m not sharing. You go find your own hot guy!” “Ooh, I’m intrigued. How did you meet this handsome stranger?” “Well just now at the station, he just showed up lost, hungry, and oh my God Rhonda he has the most gorgeous green eyes and a backside that needs a spankin’.” “Can’t wait to get a look at him. I’ll let you know it he merits a second date after I’ve given him the once over.” I can just see Rhonda scheming on how to implement her signature third-degree session, twirling that loose piece of hair that always seems to escape from her ponytail. Rhonda has the expertise of a seasoned detective and I’m always amazed how much information she can get out of someone in a five-minute conversation. She’s like Nancy Drew on steroids. “So, when should we expect your grand entrance?” “We’ll be over in 10.” “Ok chick see ya in a bit.” I hang up and just throw all my receipts and cash in the safe because concentration is no where to be found. I’ll just take care of it tomorrow. I go in the back and strip off the overalls and thank god I have on my sassy jeans today. I fuss at my hair and clean up my face and throw on some lip balm. “Ok Paige, just play it cool. You go out on dates with handsome strangers all the time. It’s no big deal. Oh my god who am I kidding?” I walk back out to the front of the station and lock up. I slowly walk over to where Cody is still leaning against his bike. He’s giving me that damn sexy grin and his green eyes are crinkling at the corners as he watches me approach. “You all set?” Just then his stomach chimes in with its two cents on how long I had taken inside. “Wow you really need to feed that stomach of yours before it vacates your body to look for food!” Another louder growl from his stomach as if to confirm it was contemplating just that. “Well Betty’s Café isn’t that far from here. I’ll just hop into my car and you can follow me over.” He lifts himself off the bike and slowly moves in closer to me, “I could do that, or you could just climb on the back of my bike. I could drive you back here after we eat to pick up your car.” His hopeful grin is too cute. How can I say no to that? “I guess I could do that, it’s been awhile since I’ve ridden on the back of a Harley. Can I see your drivers license first?” He gives me a weird look but pulls it out of his wallet and gives it to me. I pull out my phone and snap a picture and text it to Rhonda. “Just in case you try to kidnap me, I texted your license to my friend. A girl can’t be too careful these days.” He moves in even closer and reaches for his license, slowly pulling it out of my hand. He stands about 5 inches taller than me and I’m staring up into his mischievous green eyes unable to move. His other hand goes behind my back, pulling me in the rest of the distance between us. He’s so close his breath feathers across my lips and oh my God he smells like cinnamon and Musk by Javon. “If I was going to kidnap you, I would have done it already but it’s not a bad idea.” He leans in and moves my hair to the side whispering in my ear, “The night’s still young though.” I don’t know what came over me next. Maybe Cody omitted some supernatural pheromone, or my sexual hunger strike wanted to be fed but suddenly, I threw my arms around his neck and climbed him like a jungle gym. Kissing him like there’s no tomorrow he quickly gets over his initial shock and is getting into my spontaneity. I realize what I’m doing and jump back off him. I’m in shock and start breathing hard and it turns into hysterical laughter. I’m laughing so hard I start to hyperventilate. Cody sprang into action and ran over to his bike and pulled out a paper bag from his pack. “Paige look at me, put this over your mouth and nose and breathe into the bag. That’s it, breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. You’re doing good.” Cody grabs me around the middle and walks me over to a concrete ledge to sit me down. He squats down in front of me. Pointing to his eyes with his index and middle fingers, “Paige look at me, breathe in and breathe out.” I’m staring at him and I’m beginning to slow my breathing back to normal. His green eyes crinkle and his worried look is turning into a smile. “Are you feeling better? It’s not often I’m aroused and have the hell scared out of me in the span of two minutes.” I pull the bag away from my face and lean my head forward so my hair falls to shield my embarrassment. “Cody, I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” He takes his index finger and pulls my chin up so that I’m looking into those gorgeous smiling green eyes. “Darlin what do ya say we hop on my bike and go eat some food, so I can regain my strength for round two?” Go to Chapter Four – Cody
Check Number Twenty-Seven Off the Bucket List
Cody – Chapter Four I don’t know what to think. I’ve never quite had someone jump me, kiss the hell out of me, then go into shock before. That’s one for the record books to cross off my bucket list. Number-27: Cause a woman to laugh hysterically to hyperventilation while kissing the hell out of her, check. “Paige, come on, let’s get going. We can discuss over dinner how to do this kissing thing without blacking out from a lack of oxygen.” I stand up and offer my hand to pull her up off the concrete ledge. She’s looking up at me from under those long lashes and I see a hint of a smile. “I knew I had mad skills woman, but damn girl, you’re making me think I need to look up Professor Xavier and register as a mutant.” Paige starts giggling and it quickly turns into that cute snort laugh. Her face is red but turning back to normal and she grabs my hand and I help her stand up. “Cody, I don’t know what to say but I’m so sorry. Throwing myself at you is seriously not who I am.” She’s nervously putting her hair behind her ears and will not stand still. I grab her hands and pull her into the circle of my arms to still her fidgeting. “Paige look at me, seriously this is by far the best day I’ve had in months. What just happened there, we are definitely making that happen again.” “Cody, I have seriously never lost my mind like that before and I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I’m not a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” kind of girl.” I pull her in even closer and pull her chin up and I’m staring into those green eyes that are welling up with some moisture. “Listen to me darlin, I’m perfectly fine with that, I have nothing but honorable intentions. I just wanna take you out for a meal and get to know you a little better, that’s it, I swear. With that being said though, I’m not sayin’ I don’t wanna see where this weird ass thing we’ve got going on here can go.” She’s starting to relax a little and I wipe away a tear with my thumb that spilled over. She’s sniffling and looking around to blow her nose on something. I pull out my handkerchief and wipe her nose. “Now blow” She blows her nose and gives me an appreciative smile. “Are we good?” She shakes her head, “Paige use your words darlin’” “Cody, I’m fine, really, let’s get going before Rhonda calls the Sheriff to report me missing. I told her we would be there like thirty minutes ago.” I pull her toward my bike with her giving a little bit of resistance at first. She’s coming now without any pullback and I reach around the back of the bike and pull out a helmet. She looks at me like I’m crazy. “Betty’s is literally like 2 minutes from here, I don’t need a helmet.” “Alright, don’t be telling your friends I wasn’t a gentleman and didn’t offer you one.” She’s giving me a smirk, “Wearing a helmet will cramp my style with laying my head against your back while I’m holding on.” Just thinking about her all nestled up behind me is making my jeans all tight and uncomfortable in front. I’m glad she’ll be behind me because I’m pretty sure she’d feel how much I enjoyed that scary ass kiss. I throw my leg over the bike and sit down. She’s looking at the bike and I can tell she’s never done this before, “So, I just hop on the back?” “Yep, that’s how it’s usually done.” I chuckle and I’m giving her my best boy next door smile. “Ok, here it goes.” She steps up and throws her leg over the back like a pro. “So I’m guessing, is this your first time on a motorcycle? I’m just asking for a friend.” She giggles, a sound I could really get used to. “Actually, it is my first time riding a motorcycle.” “Well, I’ll take it nice and slow, so it doesn’t sting too much as I pop your motorcycle cherry.” I can see her face in the side mirror and I swear her face started turning all different shades of red again. She quickly regains her composure, “Well if one is going to have their cherry popped, it is best to have it done by someone who has lots of experience. At least that’s what all the older girls say.” She is something to behold that’s for sure. Lord knows, I do like my women sassy. “Ok so are you all set back there?” She grabs me around the waist and lays her head against my back. I’m pretty sure I heard her expel a sigh, and did she just smell my hair? Paige points straight ahead and to the left, “Yeah yeah let’s get this muscle machine going before the town shows up with torches looking for me. You’re just gonna go straight down main street here and Betty’s will be on the left.” Paige wasn’t kidding when she said Betty’s was two minutes away but judging from our drive here I’m pretty sure everything in this town is two to five minutes away. We enter Betty’s and it’s your typical small town greasy spoon diner. There’s a long counter running the length of it with about 10 stools in front. All the stools are occupied with local good ole’ boys drinking coffee. As soon as we walk in I swear everyone just stopped what they were doing and are giving us that, who the hell are you, look. Paige is looking around the restaurant and catches sight of a blond waitress who’s walking over to greet us. “Hey Paige, you took way longer than 10 minutes girl. I was about to call your Dad and report you missing.” I look at Paige and she’s looking at me and cringing. I’m quickly putting two and two together. “Rhonda, this is Cody, the man I’m having dinner with.’’ “Sure hun you told me that already on the phone and what is going on with your right eye twitching? Come on back, I’ve got your booth ready.” I grab her arm and stop her from following Rhonda. Getting real close I whisper in her ear, “So, I take it your Dad is the Sheriff?” Paige is giving me one of those creepy smiles, you know like when you’re straining and showin’ all your teeth. She whispers back, “Guilty.” She turns around to follow Rhonda back to our table and grabs my hand to pull me along. All I can think is great, this is just fuckin’ great. Out of all the towns in the world I find the one hot woman that I wanna do all kinds of unspeakable things to and her Dad is the fuckin’ Sheriff! I’ve see horror movies that start like this. Seriously I have. Continue to Chapter Five – Paige
Damn It, I’m a Grown Ass Woman Daddy!
Paige – Chapter Five This is just freakin’ great. Leave it up to Rhonda to drop the Sheriff bomb before I even get in the door. I had planned to take Cody home and do all kinds of unspeakable things to him tonight. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time. I just barely got my hands on him and he already looks like he wants to skip town. I’ll have to think of a way to get him to take me home because he is not going to do it by the way he’s looking at me right now. Holding his hand, I’m pulling him back to my booth, so we can have a quiet conversation over dinner. It’s like I have a guardian angel that has the specific job of warding off hot guys who want to have fun. Oh, for Pete’s sake! Why does this keep happening? Rhonda gives me a questioning look over her shoulder. I just give her the “wait until I get you alone to ask” look. I’m going to play it cool like everyone’s father is the town’s sheriff, no big deal, he’s just like any other Dad. Yeah if your Dad investigates the guys you’re dating, does a background check, and sits there cleaning his service pistol when they come to the house to pick you up. Rhonda hands us our menus and stands just out of Cody’s line of sight. She mouths to me, “Oh My God, he’s hot!” I mouth back to her, “I know, right.” Rhonda starts to fan herself with her hand and just as Cody looks up at her, she immediately switches to swatting an imaginary fly in front of her face. And just for the full effect, she uses her order pad to smack the table. “Whew, them flies are awful this time of year!” Nice save Rhonda. Cody raises his right eyebrow with a did that just happen look and chuckles to himself probably thinking she’s crazy. Rhonda regains her composure, “I’d tell you’all today’s specials, but we don’t have any. The only thing special about our menu today is Betty is cookin’ instead of Pete, so everybody’s a winner!” Rhonda is in rare form today. “You guys take your time lookin’ at the menu and I’ll go get your drinks, what y’all have?” “I’ll have a coke, Cody?” I look over and he seems to be a little more relaxed, “Yes ma’am, I do believe I will have a coke as well, thanks.” Rhonda gives me one more look, raising both eyebrows up and down and jerks her head quickly toward the kitchen for me to follow. “Hey Cody, I’ll be right back, I need to visit the ladies room.” He nods at me and I quickly walk towards the back of Betty’s looking for Rhonda. Suddenly, out of nowhere, my right arm gets jerked and I’m pulled into the server area outside the kitchen. “Girl, you were not kidding when you said he had a behind that needs a spankin’! Good Lord he’s gorgeous! Are you sure you’re woman enough to handle all that? You know I’m always willing to help a sister out.” I’m shaking my head, “Rhonda, I told you on the phone, go find your own hot guy. Besides we’ve bonded over me nearly passing out after I jumped him like a cat in heat.” Rhonda raises a questioning eyebrow, “Do tell, now that sounds like a story we will need to savor over a bottle of sweet red sitting on my back patio. Listen, you better get back out there before Mary gets a good look at him. You know she is shameless when it comes to guys.” Mary, Rhonda’s thirty-eight-year-old cousin who is a serial dater and on divorce number three. “Ugh Mary, she’s awful, you’re right I’d better get back out there before she see’s him sitting by himself and thinks he’s fair game. Wish me luck!” “Girl come here.” Rhonda looks me over and unbuttons another button on my shirt, tucks in this and pushes up that. Satisfied with her handy work, she flips me around in the direction of my table and pushes me back toward Cody. What can I say about Rhonda… she’s the sister I never had and my partner in crime since birth. Her family lived next door to us and we were always getting into trouble. I remember one time when we were five we decided that we wanted these cute shag haircuts. Hey, don’t judge the shag haircut. All the cool kids were getting them. Anyway, our Moms were like, “No that would look ridiculous on you guys. Don’t you love your long hair?” Rhonda and I came up with a master plan and decided that come hell or high water we were getting those shags. While our neighbor Becky babysat us one Saturday, we carefully snuck into my Dad’s barber kit and got his scissors. Becky would be none the wiser as she was in a deep discussion with her best friend on the finer aspects of making out under the football bleachers. Even at five I knew what my Dad did for a living. So, I figured that if we got rid of the evidence, there wouldn’t be anything they could pin on us. You know when you’re five the ridiculous ideas you have seem incredibly intelligent. We cut each other’s hair into a five-year old’s version of a shag and hid the hair under my Mom and Dad’s bed. It was perfect, Mom would never find it under there and she would be sleeping right on top of it. We thought we were evil geniuses and would get away scott-free. Our plan, although well thought out, was not executed well. Mom came home, took one look at Rhonda and I, screamed, and reprimanded Becky. Rhonda and I were dumbfounded, was Mom a modern-day Sherlock Holmes? We had been so careful to hide the evidence. How did she know? The best part, we have a full color memory in the form of our class picture that was taken the following Monday. Rhonda and I have big ole smiles plastered on our faces and both our mothers were horrified with our haircuts. I love that picture! I’m making my way to the table from the back and I see Mary has targeted Cody with a look of lust and determination. I quickly walk back over to the booth and slide in almost knocking the wind out of myself hitting my stomach on the table’s edge. Cody is laughing at me and giving me that crazy Rhonda look. “So, what’s the rush Darlin? Looks like you had a bit of a hot landing. Are you ok?” I was hot all right and not about to let Mary anywhere near Cody. I catch her look of disgust over thwarting her cougar attack. Smiling, “Oh hey Mary I didn’t see you there, how’s it going?” “Sugar are you trying to keep me from introducing myself to the finest thing that has entered this place since 2010?” Mary comes up and leans over the table to give Cody a real good look at her cleavage. I am going to smack a bitch. Is he really talking to her rack? Really? “Ma’am, name’s Cody, I’m just passing through town. Paige here has agreed to show me back to civilization after I treat her to a lovely meal at your fine establishment tonight.” I cringe as Mary leans in even closer, oh my God unbelievable! Rhonda steps up just then, “Mary they need you over at table ten pronto, Brody is complaining that his grits are cold. Why don’t you and the girls go over there and warm him, I mean warm his grits up. Now go on now shew, Paige doesn’t need your help.” Rhonda sweeps her hands toward table ten. “So, Cody is it? How’d you end up in our little town?” “Well ma’am, I was taking the scenic route off I-70 and ended up lost with no phone signal or point of reference on my map. Thank God I happened upon Paige’s station or I would have run out of gas. She filled up my gas tank and offered to lead me back out to the main road.” Here we go, Matlock has begun the questioning of her witness. She raises her right eyebrow and goes in for a deeper dive. “Where is it you said you’all was from, Kansas City, St. Louis, or was it Springfield?” Cody is smiling that sexy grin and his eyes are all crinkled at the corners, “Well, Rhonda is it? I didn’t say where I was from. Right now I’m from nowhere and everywhere.” Fifth-teen love Cody. “I detect a southern accent, maybe Tennessee or Texas?” Volley Rhonda, fifth-teen all. “Well ma’am I do like my food deep fried.” Thirty Fifth-teen Cody. “So, if I was a guessing woman, I would say you drove up on a Harley Davidson by the sound of it, your boots tell me you were in the military but not for a few months because of the length of your hair, and by the way you’re keeping track of all the exits and everyone in the restaurant, I would guess special forces. How am I doing so far?” Thirty all. “Rhonda, please take our order, I’d like to eat at some point tonight.” Embarrassed by Rhonda’s third-degree, I shutdown her cross examination. “Paige, how am I supposed to get to know my customers if I don’t chat’em up a bit? You don’t mind, do ya Cody?” “No ma’am, I suspect there will be more “chatting’ up” coming my way.” “Rhonda, why don’t you give us a few minutes alone to look at the menu.” “Sure Paige, no worries, I’ll be back in five.” Rhonda lifts her right hand and points her index and middle finger at her eyes and then back at Cody mouthing, I’m watching you before she walks away. Cody is smiling and chuckling to himself. “So, does Rhonda interrogate all of her customers or did I catch her on a good day?” “I’m so sorry Cody, Rhonda is my best friend and she can’t help herself. I don’t go on many dates and especially not with a stranger I just met.” “That’s understandable, if your best friend doesn’t have your six, who else will?” Paige starts to speak, pauses, then just blurts out, “So was Nancy Drew even close on any of that?” Cody looks down at his hands and expels a heavy sigh, “Well to be honest, she was pretty damn close. Are you sure she’s not using this waitress gig as a cover for her real job with the CIA? Her observation skills are impressive.” Just as I was about to get confirmation on Rhonda’s ramblings, who other than Dad walks in, still in uniform. He’s scanning the restaurant obviously looking for me. Oh, for Pete’s sake! Here he comes. Brace for impact. “Uh Cody, not to alarm you but my Dad is coming this way.” “You mean your Dad, the Sheriff?” “Yep, that’s the one.” Dad makes eye contact with me and is now making his way over to our table. I’m trying to keep from hyperventilating again, but the nervous laughter is just under the surface of my big smile, “Daddy, what are you doing here?” “Hey Peanut, I could ask you the same question, aren’t you supposed to be open till 9 tonight at the station? I got a call from Mary said I’d best get down here before you took some cagey lookin’ fellow home with you.” Mary is going down. Cody stands up, “Sir, name’s Cody Dalton a.k.a. cagey lookin’ fellow. I was just buying your daughter here a meal for her generosity. I can assure you my intentions are honorable.” Cody sticks out his right hand for him to shake and Dad just looks at it. Dad reaches up and…
Survival Tip: Never Announce to a Woman’s Dad You’re Taking His Baby Girl Home
Cody – Chapter Six I watch in awe as Sheriff MacGregor turns a self-empowered sassy woman instantly into a twelve-year-old preteen in under a minute. Paige stumbles off to the kitchen to find cherry pie and coffee for her Dad. I sit here wondering if he will be as good at interrogation as Rhonda. It’s hard to admit, she was damn close with some minor points in my background but was completely wrong on the major ones. I want to keep my past close to the chest until I get to know Paige better. Peanut doesn’t know it yet, but this cagey looking fella is going home with her tonight. I need to employ some of my MDMP Special Ops training on this situation with her Dad. The way I see it I have two maybe three scenarios to win over the Sheriff and get the girl. First scenario I turn on my good ole’ boy charm and wave around my special forces ring, Hooah. Scenario two, thank Sheriff MacGregor and his wife for creating this fine sexy woman that I will have the pleasure of making scream later. Yeah, I don’t see that working out. Most likely this scenario would end with Paige’s Dad reaching over the table and choking me to death. Ok Cody, focus. Well hell, scenario one it is. I pull my elbows up on the table and clasp my hands together making sure that my Army ring is proudly displaying the crossed arrows. With my right eyebrow raised in anticipation, I wait for the IPS (i.e. important police shit) to begin for my second round of interrogations today. The way my hands are sweating now, you’d think I had done more than just think about throwing Paige over my bike and showing her my night stick. Aww Geez, it’s been a while since I’ve been sitting in front of a uniformed interrogator. Thankfully this isn’t my first rodeo with this type of bullshit. “So, rumor has it you’re Paige’s Dad and the Sheriff around these parts.” “That’s right, I’m the law in this town. That woman you’ve got your sights on is my little girl.” “Sir, I have nothing but dinner on my mind right now. My stomach is about to eat itself and Paige was kind enough to recommend a place to eat and offering some company during dinner.” MacGregor’s face is unreadable, just a stone-cold stare across from me.” “Listen here, what was your name again?” “Cody Dalton, Sir.” “Listen here Cody, Paige is special and my only kid. Now I’m not saying she can’t make her own decisions…” “Well then Sir, what are you saying?” MacGregor’s cheek muscle is twitching and showing the beginning of his irritation, so I best throw more charm his way. “I’m just saying that when a guy pulls into town on a bike from nowhere and is cozying up to my daughter, I’m gonna have something to say and I will ask some questions.” “Sir, I’m an open book, ask away.” While moving my hands around, I can see the exact moment he recognizes my Special Forces ring blatantly on display. “That symbol on your ring, I’ve seen it before. A buddy of mine from High School enlisted after graduation and he ended up running a Special Forces Team.” “This buddy of yours have a name sir?” “His name is Major Thomas Bowie. Retired here in Alma after his thirty years of service. Tom runs a cattle ranch south of here and supplies Betty with the best grass-fed beef in the state. Would you happen to know Major Bowie son?” Do I know Major Tom? Hell, yes, I know him. Son-of-a-bitch nearly got me killed in Iraq. “Sir, I served under Major Tom during his last tour before his retirement. So, this must be the little back-water town in Missouri the Major kept going on and on about.” Sheriff MacGregor relaxes somewhat knowing that we have an acquaintance in common. “You must be that young punk that just about got him killed in Iraq.” “Sir, that’s not how I remember that story.” “Well that’s how ol’ Tom tells it. I guess you won’t mind then if I call him up and get a personal reference on your character. I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit here let you get involved with Paige without checking you out first. I need to know if you can be trusted with my baby girl.” I look up and see that Paige has overheard her Dad’s last statement. I would not want to be on the other end of that look of fury she has right now. “Daddy, what in the hell is going on here? Here’s your damn pie and coffee.” She slams down the plate of steaming cherry pie ala mode and Rhonda, with eyes bugged out, is right behind her with a fresh cup of black coffee. Did Paige just stomp her foot? “You have no right to interfere with my date.” Ok, we are now on a date. Nice. I look up into Paige’s face and give her my lopsided grin. She needs to save all that rambunctious energy for later when I get her alone. Rhonda nervously pipes up, “Now Paige is that anyway to talk to the Sheriff?” Livid as all get out, I can see Paige visibly shaking and liquid pooling at the corners of her eyes. “It is, when the Sheriff is my meddling father! Daddy, if you want me to ever talk to you again, you best get back into your squad car and go do what the citizens of Lafayette county pay you to do. Don’t make me call mama.” Mrs. MacGregor must be a force to be reckoned with. I’ve never seen anyone’s face become pale as fast as her Dad’s face just did. His demeanor has immediately changed from tough guy ready to kick somebody’s butt to a man looking for redemption. “Peanut, honey, there’s no need to get your mother involved in this discussion.” Rhonda is standing there wide-eyed watching Paige and her Dad go at it. She whispers to me out of the side of her mouth, “I’ve never seen Paige defy her Dad like this before. She must really like you.” “Daddy, if you are not going to leave then I am. I don’t have to stand here and listen to you talk about me like I’m a twelve-year-old little girl. I’m a grown woman who can make up her mind about who the hell she’s going to eat a meal with and take home later and do all kinds of unspeakable things to.” Oh my God, what is she saying? Is she trying to get me shot right here in the middle of this diner by the guy who could easily cover it up. I’ll never be heard from again. I’ll be that guy everyone is searching for at the thirty-year High School class reunion that mysteriously disappeared and rumored to be under deep cover in Russia. Yeah, I’ll be the John Cusack character from Grosse Pointe Blank. But instead of skipping town with the girl, I’ll be in an unmarked grave somewhere in the backwoods. Ok, calm down now, let’s go to our happy place and focus on the fact that she wants to take me home and have her way with me for a minute. Ok, the minute is up. I scurry out of the booth and raise my hands up in surrender, “Whoa now Missy, nobody said anything about me going home with you tonight.” I start to slowly back away with a nervous chuckle and eyes smiling. Paige grabs my arm to prevent me from moving any further away. Hell, I think being held down by enemy fire in the sandbox would be a better deal about now. Paige’s father looks ready to taze me. “Mr. MacGregor, I have no intention of going home with your daughter tonight. I just want to put that out there loud and clear.” I look over at Paige and sneak in a right eye wink, but she obviously didn’t see it, “Cody, if I want to take you home, your coming home with me!” I do like a woman who knows what she wants, but hell I’m not discussing this in front of her very incensed, very armed father who just happens to have a badge and the keys to the jail. “Paige, you’re not helping!” I whisper yell out of the side of my mouth. From the back recesses of the restaurant the infamous Betty emerges wearing her once white apron that’s now covered in the day’s specials. She wearily wipes her forehead with a clean rag and puts it back in her pocket. “Bob, Paige, do we have a problem here? And who might you be son?” “Betty, ma’am, everything is under control here, just having a friendly chat with my daughter and Cody, a young man she brought here for dinner. Paige, we will discuss this later. Cody, I’ll be in touch with Tom. He best not have anything bad to say about you.” Bob MacGregor begrudgingly pulls his sunglasses out of his front pocket and slips them on while staring at me. Just for affect, he raises his index and middle finger and motions them back and forth pointing to his eyes then to mine. What is it with the eye pointing tonight? He picks up his pie and coffee and walks over to the counter where Mary is standing so she can box up the pie and put his coffee in a to-go cup. “Betty, my father is insufferable. I can’t even have dinner out with a guy in peace. I’m frankly shocked that I didn’t come back to him cleaning his service pistol right here in the restaurant.” “Now listen here baby girl, your Daddy is a good man. Bob’s seen a lot of things that give most people nightmares. He keeps our town safe from crime and free of those who would tear it down. I don’t agree with his methods, but his heart is in the right place. Now for the love of all that is holy, why were you yelling at him in my diner and who in the holy hell are you young man?” “Ma’am, my name is Cody Dalton. Paige here is helping me out and so I told her I would buy her dinner. I am about ready to faint from hunger. Is there any way to get something to chew on until we can finally order some food? I hear you’re the best cook in town.” I turn the volume up to ten on my southern charm cuz I really want to eat and quick. Betty’s gaze sweeps up and down Cody and she’s got the beginning of a shit eating grin. “Paige, you and Cody sit back down, and I’ll send Rhonda out with a couple plates of food. I do believe Bob has finally met the one guy that will make it to a second date with you. Kuddos to you son.” “Betty can you make those plates to-go? We are going to find a place to sit down and eat in private without my father’s informant eavesdropping.” Paige points her thumb over her shoulder toward Mary who is still behind the counter. “Ok baby girl you follow me back to the kitchen and we’ll get you all fixed up. Dinner’s on me tonight. And Cody, my advice to you, you best eat everything I send with you. You’re gonna need all your strength and wits to deal with the bull-headedness of the MacGregors.” “Ma’am, you don’t have to tell me twice. Much obliged for your hospitality.”
I love Betty’s Cinnamon Rolls!
Paige – Chapter seven “Rhonda, What, in the actual fuck did I just say, out loud, in front of my heat-packing father?” “Girl, I believe you just announced to your Daddy in front of God and everybody that you were going to take Cody to your home and do the nasty. I have to say, it was one of the finer moments of my day. All I needed was some popcorn to really enjoy the show!” Nausea washes over me and I quickly throw my hand over my mouth. I’m dry heaving looking around for a place to hurl. Rhonda shuffles me into the ladies’ room and I stumble into a bathroom stall. I land over the white porcelain bowl, my head’s pounding, and to top it off, I’m dry-heaving. “Rhonda, hoorah, hoorah, what do I do now? Hoorah.” “Well your only option, the way I see it, is take that fine ass man out there home and do the nasty.” Rhonda begins giggling lightly. “Honestly, I don’t think I would take him to your house though because you know, you kind of blurted out to your Dad what you were planning. If you want to have a chance at some action tonight, you better take him to my house instead.” I emerge from the stall with my hand over my mouth, not quite sure if my stomach is done rolling about. I walk up to the mirror and splash some cold water on my face. Leaning against the counter, “Rhonda are you sure you want to get in the middle of this thing? You know Daddy can be a royal pain.” Rhonda takes some towels out of the dispenser and begins drying off my face. She puts her hands on both my cheeks, “Paige look at me, this guy, he’s something special, I can tell. You may not get another chance for a while, I mean just look at him. Besides I’ll go over to your house and feed Mister Darcy.” Mister Darcy my very spoiled, very fat, black and white cat. “I’ll just kick back, drink a bottle of your wine, and wait for the fireworks to begin when your Dad shows up thinking he’s going to catch you in the act.”I sigh, running my hand through my hair. “Ok, well, here it goes. Hey, wait, do you still have my key to get in?” “Yep, I never gave it back from the last time I checked in on Mister Darcy for you. Now go on, get out of here!” I swing open the bathroom door with a new burst of enthusiasm and scan the back of the diner for Cody. I see him, he looks up locking gazes with me. He gives me that crooked grin and those smiling eyes and my nausea disappears completely. Smiling, I point at him and curl my finger back toward me signaling him to come over to me. Betty has loaded him down with dinner for two. He maintains eye contact and manages to look sexy as hell as he walks toward me. “Hey darlin’ what do you say we take our food and get out of here before your Dad decides to come back to the diner and play out a Dirty Harry scene.” I begin giggle snorting, oh my God, he must think I’m insane. I can totally see my Dad doing that. I giggle even harder as I visualize Dad doing his best Clint Eastwood impression. Cody raises his right eyebrow, I’m sure he thinks I’ve done lost my mind. That’s it! I’ll claim temporary insanity and tell Dad I’ve developed Tourette’s Syndrome. “Paige, darlin’, you ok? Your eyes got all glassy and I wasn’t sure if you were going to faint just then.” I shake my head and wave away the image of my pistol wheeling father. “I’m sorry, I just had an image of my Dad with a .44 Magnum waving it at you and saying, “You feeling lucky punk, well are ya?” “Yeah, let’s not play out that scene, it doesn’t end well for me.” I smile winking at him and put my hand through his arm. “Come with me if you want to live.” I pull him outside. My body seems to slide easily into his side and I lean my head on his shoulder breathing him in. Night has fallen with a chill in the air. I snuggled up to him and grab the front of his jacket with my other hand. “Hey, don’t get too comfortable, there’ll be plenty of time to snuggle on the bike.” A warm spike travels down my stomach to my neither region. “Well here we are, why don’t you hop on the back first and I’ll secure this fine meal from Betty. Uh, Paige, honey, you’re gonna need to let go of me, so you can get on the back of the bike.” “But what if I don’t want to let go?” “Darlin, trust me, I’ll be securing this food in record time. Just get on so we can go.” I reluctantly let go, step up and swing my leg over the seat. Cody wasn’t kidding about being quick, by the time I sat down, he was hopping on in front of me. “Hey why don’t you put on my jacket otherwise you’re gonna freeze back there.” He takes off his jacket and swings it over my shoulders. I’m in heaven, I pull his jacket in tight and grab the collars smelling them like I’m in a Snuggles fabric softener commercial. “So where to now?” “Well, we’re gonna head this way down main street and turn left at the stop sign a couple blocks up.” He kicks the bike into life and swings onto the street. I grab him around the waist, close my eyes, and lay my head against the corded muscles in his back. He’s so warm I want to climb into his lap. Paige get a grip! I open my eyes and start pointing where we need to turn so we can finally make it to Rhonda’s house. Thank God she only lives 15 minutes away and out of sight from prying eyes. We pull up the gravel road leading to what I hope is the best night of my very inexperienced life. I hop off and open the garage door. I don’t want to take any chances with someone seeing his bike out front. “I’ll just get the key under the frog and” I stick my tongue out trying to reach to key under the frog’s belly, “Voila!” “Voila is right, is this your place? I love the velvet Elvis painting,” he says with a good amount a snark in his voice. “Oh, uh no this is my friend Rhonda’s house. I’ll have you know though that Velvet Elvis is priceless and she’s having it auctioned off at Sotheby’s next week.” I try to maintain my serious look and burst out laughing. “It’s awful and she knows it, but it was her Grandmother’s and she keeps it for sentimental reasons. Follow me and we’ll eat that food while it’s still edible.” “Yes, ma’am.” We walk through the house to the back door and sit on Rhonda’s back deck. I light a couple of Tiki torches to set the mood. “Well let’s see what Betty packed for us, shall we?” I open the to-go boxes and give one to Cody. “Here you go, hopefully that stomach of yours will be sated now that we finally can eat.” He looks me up and down with a smoldering smile, “My stomach isn’t the only thing that needs sating tonight darlin.” His voice is like warm hot chocolate with a shot of Jamison in it. Looking dreamily into his eyes, I’m drunk with anticipation. I think I just had a mini orgasm, is that even possible? “Did it suddenly get hot out here?” I start fanning myself with my napkin and wiping the sweat from my forehead. I’m having another hysterical panic attack! Cody reaches over and lays his hand on mine and slowly rubs his thumb back and forth. My breathing goes back to normal after I take a deep breath and exhale. “I’m not really good at this.” I point quickly back and forth between the two of us. “Paige, let’s just relax and eat our dinner. Does your friend Rhonda have any liquid courage in her pantry? Maybe that would help calm your nerves.” “I do believe she keeps a box of wine in the frig.” He gives me a quizzical look. “Hey, don’t knock the boxed wine. Sometimes a girl wants a glass of wine but doesn’t want to drink the whole bottle. It’s a thing.” He smiles and shakes his head digging into his food like a man on a mission. I go inside and find a glass in the cupboard and pore myself some cabernet sauvignon that’s sitting on the counter. Red wine will calm me right down and hopefully I’ll appear more experienced. Fake it till you make it so to speak. Yelling out the back door, “Hey you want anything to drink handsome?” Downing my first glass I pour glass number two. Turning to go back outside, I run right into a six pack that is definitely not beer. I let out a startled yelp, “Oh my God, you scared me.” He places his hands on either side of me and I realize I’m backed up against the counter with no escape. He reaches up and tucks my hair behind my right ear. He leans in next to my ear and whispers, “I was worried, you were gone too long.” His hot breath is sending chills down my spine and igniting all kinds of sparks. “I see you found some liquid courage. Let’s see if it’s working yet.” His mouth comes down over mine and his soft warm lips taste like Betty’s cinnamon rolls. “I love Betty’s cinnamon rolls.” He pulls back just slightly, “They’re the best damn cinnamon rolls I’ve ever had.” “Did I just use my outside voice?” He chuckles, “Yes, yes you did, now let’s go back to using your inside voice.” He takes the glass of wine and sets it on the counter and lifts me up, stepping in-between my legs. This is really happening! What am I supposed to do? I have no clue what to do and I’m not nearly drunk enough to fake it. His mouth comes back in for round two and I grab the front of his shirt and pull him in even further. He’s rubbing up against the spot that only my fingers have touched and I’m about to explode. I throw my arms around his neck and his hands find their way under my shirt exploring my belly traveling up to cover my right breast with his warm calloused hand. I break away from his mouth and he’s kissing down my neck to my collar bone and pinches my right nipple. “Ahhh, woah there Cowboy. Cody slow down.” He pulls his head back and looks deeply into my eyes. “Paige, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’ve wanted to get my hands on you since we left the gas station.” He brings his hand up to cradle the side of my head tangling his fingers in my red hair. His mouth comes back down giving me the softest sweetest kiss I’ve ever had. He then kisses my forehead and leans his head against mine. “Cody, I’m not saying stop, I’m just not very experienced and I don’t want to screw this up.” “Darlin’, there isn’t anything you could do to screw this up. Trust me. When you say you’re not very experienced, what do you mean?” “Well, you could say I’m like Jesus’s Mom Mary.” His confused look turns quickly into realization. “You mean you’re a virgin?” My face turns bright red and unfortunately, it’s not from the wine. “How could you still be a virgin? …
My Secret Spot – Code Word Apple
Paige – Chapter Eight Cody is looking serious and worried, “Paige”. Lifting two fingers to cover Cody’s lips, I shush him. “Cody, no more talking, I’m ready for this and I know what I want.” Cody smiles and kisses my fingers and slowly backs me to the edge of the bed. Oh my God, I’m really going to do this. I can’t believe this is happening. Cody reaches behind his neck and pulls his t-shirt over his head as only a guy can do. Dropping his shirt to the floor, he steps forward and starts to pull my top over my head. “Paige, I mean it, if, at any time you want to stop, you just say the word, ok?” I help him finish pulling my top off to show him I am serious. “Oh Paige, you’re so beautiful.” Thank god I wore my sexy bra today. Cody brings his hands up to either side of my face and tangles his fingers in my hair bringing me in for round one of kissing my pants off. And that’s is literally what happened. Before I knew it, I had grabbed his belt buckle and I was going for the zipper of Cody’s pants and he had unsnapped my bra and was taking down my jeans. All the while we were kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. We barely took breaks to catch our breath. Falling on the bed together, all that separated us was his Jockeys and my Victoria Secrets. Laying on my back, Cody is laying on his side facing me. He’s slowed down kissing me and switches between gently tugging at my bottom lip and licking my tongue. His right hand slowly draws an invisible line down between my breasts and draws circles around my nipples. He gently pinches each nipple causing my chest to spasm up into his eager hand. He makes his way south down my stomach and stops his slow journey at the top of my boy-shorts. “Yes, please don’t stop, please don’t stop Cody.” “Paige, you need to get dressed honey. Whoever is down there is serious and I suspect it’s not your friend Rhonda.” He rests his forehead on mine and we’re looking into each other’s eyes. I’m about to explode with anticipation as his index finger slips down under my panties, slides through my pink folds, and quickly finds my sweet spot. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! “Darlin’ I do believe I’ve found your magic button.” I’m panting and I’m about to hyperventilate. “Paige, look at me, open your eyes.” Unable to deny his command, I look up into his smiling green eyes and he comes down again for another round of slow, nibbling kisses that helps to stop me from hyperventilating. I can tell I’m ramping up again because his thumb has taken over rubbing back and forth over my clit and I feel the pressure of his middle finger tentatively entering my pussy. I’m at the edge ready to fall over, “Oh my god, oh my god, aaaahhh! I think I’m going to cum, I’m cumming, Oh my god, I’m cumming!” POUND, POUND, POUND, “Paige, I think someone is pounding on the front door.” Cody stops the magical thing he’s doing with his fingers and is pulling his jeans back on. “What are you doing? No, no, no, this is not happening right now. Oh, for the love of all that’s holy!” Cody tosses my jeans, bra, and shirt to me. “Paige, you need to get dressed honey. Whoever is down there is serious and I suspect it’s not your friend Rhonda.” “I’m seriously going to kill whoever is pounding on the door!” I get dressed as quickly as one can who is still experiencing orgasm fog. I’m livid and whoever it is, they will not quickly recover from the biting words I’ll be throwing at them. POUND, POUND, POUND. “Paige, I know you’re in there, now open up!” Oh for the love of Pete, is that Danny? Yelling down the stairs, “Danny? Is that you?” I run down the stairs nearly slipping and sliding the rest of the way down. Peeking out the window by the door, sure enough, it’s Danny. Danny Rogers, my brother from another mother, is patiently waiting for me to open the front door. I barely get it open and he’s busting his way past me and into the entryway. There is only one thing to do now and Daddy’s not going to like it. I’m going to call in the big guns. “Paige, you need to get out of here. Rhonda called me in a frantic and told me to get you and “boy toy” here out of her house before your Dad gets over here. Apparently, your Dad wasn’t amused by Rhonda being at your house instead of you. Threatened to arrest her for breaking and entering if she didn’t tell him where you are.” I can feel my face turning beet red with fury. Damn it, Daddy! Danny and Cody are having a mini stand-off in the entryway sizing each other up. This is the last thing I need right now, they better not start marking their territory! “Hey Danny, focus, how far behind is Daddy?” Danny slowly takes his eyes off Cody to answer me. “Your Dad is about 10 minutes behind me, it would have been 15 minutes if you hadn’t taken your sweet time coming to the door.” “Good Grief, I swear to God I’m going to move away from here, so I can finally have a life of my own! Cody let’s get out of here. I’ve got a place we can go, that my father doesn’t know about. Danny, tell Rhonda I’ll be at the secret spot code word apple.” “Paige, what the hell does that mean, code word apple?” “Danny, just never you mind, just tell Rhonda, “Apple”. She’ll know what it means.” I turn him around and push him out the front door. “We don’t have any time to spare and you need to be gone before Daddy gets here. We don’t want to get you in the middle of this cluster. Cody grab your bag and let’s get out of here.” Cody stops me from running to grab my purse. He grabs each arm at the shoulders, “Paige, do you think running will really solve this? Wouldn’t it be better to just talk to your Dad? Maybe he’ll listen.” I give Cody the “you obviously don’t know my father” look, “Cody trust me, we need to make ourselves scarce until I can talk to my mom. It’ll be easier to talk to Daddy with Mom there. She has a way of getting him to listen. Now come on let’s get out of here.” Cody grabs his gear and straps it on the bike. I push the button to open the garage door and he rolls out his bike. Quickly putting in the key code, the door lowers, and I hop on the back and wrap myself around him. Thank god I grabbed a jacket. Even with Cody’s warmth, I’d be freezing about now. Just as we clear the driveway and are zooming down Hwy H, I see in the rearview mirror the red and blue lights from my Dad’s cruiser going up Rhonda’s drive. I hug myself tighter to Cody and he raises his right hand to cover mine. There is only one thing to do now and Daddy’s not going to like it. I’m going to call in the big guns. Yelling over the night air whizzing by, “Cody, you’re going to make a right up here on Yellow Wood Lane.” He shakes his head and slows down. Leaning into the turn like the pro that I am now, we make our way down another 5 miles to a secret driveway marked only with a large wooden apple. Pointing ahead, he follows my hand signals down the secret path. It’s hard to see, as we are deep in the backwoods. Suddenly the woods clear and we are driving around Lyons Lake. “Just a little bit further.”, I yell near his ear. Finally, we pull up to a small cottage just on the other side of the lake. I point and motion to Cody to pull in and he brings the bike to a stop. Killing the engine, we just sit there on the bike taking in blissful sounds of the country after dark. Cody sits up and turns his head to me, “Hey there.” He claims my mouth again as we listen to a symphony of crickets. After a few minutes, I open my eyes to see the light show of a thousand fireflies blinking on and off. The aroma of lilacs, peonies, and male pheromones fill my nostrils and I can’t get enough of him. Cody slides off the bike and pulls me off as well. “So, if I were a guessing man, I’d say this is maybe another friend’s house?” “Well you would be guessing wrong, this is mine. It’s my little art studio hideaway.” Cody gives me a little smirk smile, “Paige, you are surely a mystery to behold.” I giggle and grab his hand pulling him to the front door. “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of running around today.” I find the hidden key under the stone pig in the flower bed and unlock the door. Inside are canvases lying about in various stages of completion. “Hey are these yours?” He sounds impressed and a little awed by my artistic ability. Smiling, he picks up one to get a better look at it. “Paige, seriously, these are really incredible.” I pull the painting out of his hand and place it back on the floor leaning against the wall. “I just do it for fun. It’s more meditative than anything. Painting helps me to escape to other places I may never get to see in real life.” Cody comes up behind me and wraps me in his warm arms. I can’t believe how good this feels. He leans down and with his mouth right by my ear, “Hey, why don’t we get some sleep. I would love nothing better than to just hold you tonight. We can try again where we left off another time.” I let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah you’re right. Let’s get some sleep.” I lock the front door and lead him down the short hallway to the one bedroom in the back of the cottage. I pull out a pair of pajama pants, leave on my tank top and lose the bra. He’s put on a pair of sleep shorts and has taken off his t-shirt. Washboard abs. That’s all I have to say. I’m pretty sure I was staring and drooling because Cody cleared his throat to get my attention, “So darlin’ what side do you sleep on?” I stealthily wipe the corner of my mouth of its accumulated moisture, “I’ll just take the right side.” I pull back the sheet and blanket and he does the same as we both climb in and pull up the covers. Why is this so awkward now? He was touching me everywhere just an hour ago in only our underwear. “Paige, honey, why don’t you come over here and lay your head on my chest.” I sigh, move over, and snuggle up into his side. Laying my head over his left chest, I can hear his heart beating so loud in my ear. In a small whispering tired voice, “Cody, thank you for coming into my gas station. I can’t remember having a better day.” I yawn and snuggle even deeper into his side. Kissing the top of my head and whispering back, “Honey, being around you today has definitely been an interesting experience that I’m not done with by any stretch of the imagination. Now go to sleep darlin’ and let’s see what we can get ourselves…
While Drinking Coffee I Saw the Most Magnificent Creature
Paige – Chapter Nine I’m running for my life jumping over rocks and fallen trees. Hearing the faint sounds of dogs barking, I stop to look behind me to see faraway lights bouncing up and down. There must be a way out before they catch me. I’m spinning around looking for the exit out of this blackness. I see a faint path and run without abandon and trip falling over the edge of a tall cliff. “Aaaaahh!” I jump upright into a sitting position and I’m drenched in icy water. My mouth is gaping open and closed and I’m thoroughly confused. What the Hell! “Hopefully that will cool your hormones long enough for us to have a little chat.” Sheriff McGregor steps back and hands Paige a dry towel. “What the Hell Daddy! Have you lost your ever-loving’ mind?” “Do you kiss your momma with that mouth of yours?” Paige jumps out of bed and runs into the bathroom. “You know slamming the door is not gonna keep you from hearing what I have to say, little girl.” How in the hell did Daddy find me here? Oh my God, where is Cody? “Paige, I mean it, you best come back out here so we can discuss your behavior over the last 24 hours.” I can feel the flame of fury creeping up my neck to my face. Ok, deep breaths. Smell the rose, blow out the candle. Smell the rose, blow out the candle. This is NOT helping. “Daddy, you need to go outside. I’m not even kidding. I won’t be responsible for my actions if I come out right now.” “Alright, I’m giving you 5 minutes and then you’d better have that but of yours out here to have a serious conversation.” I hear Daddy’s heavy footsteps leave the room and I release the breath I didn’t realize I was holding. This is absolutely ridiculous, how is it that I’m about to be lectured by my father in my own house. Well, I guess it’s actually Mamma and Daddy’s Guest House. Damn it! What happened to Cody? I finish drying off, change into some dry clothes, pull my hair into a ponytail, and prepare myself to face the music. “Finally, I thought I was going to have to come in there and drag you out. Paige, I’m serious we need to talk.” Shuffling and grumbling to myself, I flop down onto a chair and cross my arms. “Daddy, you want to explain why you dumped a pitcher of ice water on me for no reason? You trying to waterboard me or something?” He calmly walks over to sit on the ottoman directly in front of my chair. Sighing heavily, he puts his elbows on his knees, his hands come up into a praying position, and he’s resting his chin on his fingers. He’s giving me that long stare of disappointment that I can’t stand, and his left eye is twitching. “Peanut, you know that I love you right?” I shake my head yes as tears are starting to well up in my eyes. “Honey, you know I’ve been a Sheriff since before you were born. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’ve seen a lot of things I wish I’d never seen. You just run off last night with that stranger, on a motorcycle no less, threw me for a loop. Paige, you’re my only daughter and it’s my job to make sure you’re safe. You’re not making my job easy that’s for damn sure.” “Daddy, you do realize I’m 27 years old and I’m not a little girl right? Please, you must let me live my life. You can’t live it for me. I need to be able to make my own mistakes. That stranger’s name is Cody and I don’t know what it is, but we have a special connection.” “Yep, I bet I can guess what connection you had in mind. Paige, you just met the guy, how in the hell do you even know that he’s not a serial killer or worse a liberal.” “Oh, for the love of Pete Daddy!” I get up and move across the room. Smell the rose, blow out the candle. Smell the rose, blow out the candle. “Peanut, can you at least let me check the guy out before you get too involved with him. I’ve got a call into Tom Bowie to check out Cody’s story. He was on Tom’s Special Forces team and I want to see what ol’ Tom has to say about him.” While Daddy was rambling on and on about doing his super-secret background check on Cody, I found my phone and texted Mama. “Knock, Knock, Avon, calling. There you are Paige, I’ve been looking for you.” Mama, thank God, my get out of free jail card has arrived. “Delores, what do you think you’re doing? I am trying to have a serious conversation with our daughter.” My mama, Delores McGregor, is about the only thing that will keep me from killing my father about now. “Oh, hello dear, I didn’t realize you were here in Paige’s cottage. Paige and I have an important appointment this morning. I’ve just stopped in to collect her, so we can get going. Come on Paige, we are going to be late, chop, chop.” That’s my cue to get out of dodge. I run and grab my purse and slip on my flip-flops. “Ready Mamma let’s boogie.” “We are not finished with this conversation young lady. We will be continuing this later.” I quickly shuffle past Daddy giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and full tooth smile. “Bob, leave the poor girl alone, how can she possibly have a coherent conversation this early in the morning. Paige honey have you even had a cup of coffee yet?” “No Mamma, as a matter of fact, I haven’t.” “Really Bob, you know the women in our family have to have their coffee before any form of communication commences.” Mamma is in rare form this morning. “Come on honey, let’s get some coffee into you on our way to our appointment.” Putting her arm around my shoulders, Mamma is shuffling me out the front door. She stops and turns toward Daddy, “I’ll see you at home later dear. Now go on and find a nice criminal to interrogate.” “Now Delores.” Mamma shuts the door on Daddy in mid-sentence. “Come on honey, let’s get out of here and get some coffee before your Daddy realizes there is no appointment. Paige, do you know why I love living in the country.” A look of confusion crosses my face, “Uh, is this a trick question?” Momma smiles that secret smile she gets when she knows something that will totally embarrass you. “No, it’s not a trick question. I love living out in the country because you never know what beautiful creatures will appear in your yard. You know I love drinking my morning coffee on the back deck in the morning. It’s my time to reflect and breath in nature.” Oh brother, where is she going with this? “This morning while drinking my coffee I saw the most magnificent creature while looking out across the lake at the cottage. Paige, you do realize we have a perfect view of the cottage from the back deck, right?” “Well I guess so, I never really thought about it before.” Mamma continues, “Yes we do and I’m curious as to why there was a half-naked man coming out of your cottage this morning.”
Please Return if Lost to Jessica Collins
Paige – Chapter Ten After looking through my purse for five minutes for my car keys, I come to the sad conclusion I’ll have to go back into my cottage where we left my father in mid-sentence. “Momma, I need to go grab my keys. I think I left them on the counter.” Momma waves me to go on and continues to her vehicle. Oh, for the love of all that is holy, please don’t let my father start in on me again. I quickly sneak in the front door and grab them from the counter. Daddy has his back turned and he’s lost in thought or he has shell-shock, I’m not sure which. At any rate, I’m sneaking back out when I notice a leather journal sitting on the floor by the couch. Knowing it has to be Cody’s, I pick it up before my sleuth of a father finds it and shove it in my purse. Whew… that was close. Closing the door whisper soft and high-tail it to Mamma’s car. I stop and compose myself before gently opening the passenger door and sliding in. “Peanut, I hope you found your keys cuz I don’t have your extra set anymore. Honey, why are you all out of breath?” I look up at the car ceiling and take a deep breath, “Did you not just see me running like hell to get to the car?” Momma raises her right eyebrow, “I was looking through my emails waiting for you, so no I did not see you running like hell.” She does air quotes around run like hell. “Surely your daddy wasn’t chasing you.” I expel a loud breath, “No, I managed to get in and out without him seeing me or I’m sure there would have been more words exchanged. So many words.” Momma reaches down to start the car shaking her head. “Paige, just because I pulled you out of your father’s clutches doesn’t mean that a word exchange isn’t in your future. We will be talking about the gorgeous young man leaving your cottage this morning. I’m assuming he’s the same guy your Daddy nearly lost his mind over last night when he couldn’t find you. Here’s the funny part. You wanna hear the funny part?” I give her the Uh Yeah continue to talk look. “I knew exactly where you were last night, but I wasn’t going to help fuel your Daddy’s obsessive behavior.” “Momma, please don’t tell me you’re psychic again because we both know that you aren’t. Please enlighten me on how you knew where I was.” Momma smirks and waiting it seems forever for her to spill. “Paige McGregor, you know damn good and well that I am psychic. This time, however, I relied on more modern methods in the form of the Verizon GPS on your cell phone that is synced with my cell phone.” Oh my God! I completely forgot that she did that when I was in college. After oversharing about my extra-curricular activities, Momma insisted that we set that up just in case. I swear if I didn’t check in with Momma every day she was always imagining me dead in a ditch somewhere. Geez, parents! “Ok, so you knew I was in the cottage. Is that how Daddy knew where I was this morning?” Momma smiles that secret smile again, “Well if I wanted to get any sleep last night, I had to tell him where you were. You know how he is.” I heavy sigh again, “Yes, yes I do.” We drive into town and with a venti with whip latte in hand, I recount the previous evening to Momma. I have always been able to pour my heart out to her. Momma listens calmly, intently, giving me space to breathe and get it all out. We laugh as I recall what I told Daddy and then how Rhonda recounted what I told Daddy to me. I lay my head on her shoulder and she’s gently rubbing it like she did when I was a little girl. Talking to Momma always makes me feel better. I finally get to the end and how Daddy woke me up this morning. “Your Daddy poured icy water on you? My Lord that man is ridiculous. Well, the way I see it, there is only one thing to do. We really have no choice but to have Cody over for dinner this weekend.” I look at her like she has lost her mind, “No, no, no, that is not happening. I just met this guy yesterday and sort of went on one date. Well, I guess if you call harassed by Daddy at Betty’s Diner and then chased around town, a date. I don’t even know where he is now. He just left.” He just left without a note, no see you later, no hey I’ll text you later. What the hell. Did I get ghosted? Does it count if you’ve known the person less than 24-hours? I quickly google it on my phone. Paige, get a grip. No, it doesn’t count. Oh my God, what if something happened to him and he’s laying in a ditch somewhere? What if Daddy grabbed him, knocked him out, and stashed him in a windowless basement? Seriously Paige, listen to this lunacy you’re spewing! Feeling the hysteria bubbling just beneath the surface, I begin my deep diaphragm breathing technique. “Paige honey, what’s the matter?” She gently pats me on my forearm. I’m beginning to slow my breathing and the panic attack is subsiding. “Momma can you please just drop me off at the garage? I need to pick up my car and I need to talk to Danny.” She’s giving me her classic worried look. “I’m fine, really. Thank you for rescuing me from Daddy this morning. It was not going to end well if I had to sit there and listen to him much longer.” Momma pulls into the station and puts the car into park. “I’ll just hop out, there’s no need for you to get out. Thanks for dropping me off.” Danny comes over to the open doorway, waves, and walks over to the car. “Well hello there Danny. How are you doing today?” Danny gives Momma his patented crooked grin, “Why couldn’t be better Ms. McGregor. Well, Paige, I see you’re still alive after last night. Sheriff McGregor looked like he was going to explode when he showed up at Rhonda’s house last night and didn’t find Paige and lover boy.” Momma gives me that you didn’t share that little tidbit look. I give him a withering stare and he smiles even bigger. “Well, Momma aren’t you late for that one thing at that one place you normally go?” She just shakes her head back and forth, “Oh that’s right, I’m late for that one thing, at the one place.” She chuckles to herself and starts the car driving away before Danny spills any more details I may or may not have left out of my tale of sorrow. “So where is lover boy this morning? Have you already scared him off with your neurotic behavior?” I just turn and walk into the station ignoring his jab about my panic attacks. He doesn’t give up easily. Yelling at my back, “You know some guys might find that sexy.” Don’t engage, don’t engage, just keep moving and don’t turn around. “You can’t ignore me all day Paigey and you owe me big time.” Slamming the door to my office, I plop down into my chair, dropping my purse onto my desk. Putting my face into my hands and my elbows on the desk, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. It’s crazy how loud a quiet room can be. It’s then I remember the journal in my purse. I fish around and finally find it laying it on the desk. “I wonder who you belong to.” I flip through it and look at the inside front cover. “Please return if lost to Jessica Collins. 4120 W 94th Terrace, Prairie Village, KS 66207. Huh, I wonder who Miss Jessica is to Cody?” I open the journal up to an entry near the beginning. “Thursday, March 20, 2014 I think my life will never be the same again. Today I met the most gorgeous guy. I swear, I could drown in his green eyes and float down a peaceful stream lying in his arms. I couldn’t help myself, I brought him back to my place and we made out for two-hours. It was funny how we met. I was out with my girls having drinks after work for thirsty Thursday. Who even came up with that name? So, this lame guy comes up and I can’t even deal. Out of nowhere this gorgeous guy comes up and leans on the bar between me and dickweed and says, “Sorry I’m late.” He looks at double zero and he sees he’s out gunned. This guy had some serious guns and shoulders, oh my God! Is a girl a slut if she doesn’t get a guy’s name first before she jumps him? God, I hope not because there was no way I was going to let him out of my site. Yeah, so yeah, we made out and then his phone went off and he had to leave. It’s so unfair to get a girl all riled up and not finish the job. But I made him give me his phone. I sent a text to myself, so he’d have my number. God I really want to see him again. Such is life. Jessica” I flip through and find the last entry. There is a picture tucked in the journal as a bookmark. I see a beautiful brown-haired woman smiling up at me from my hand. I set the picture down and begin reading. “Wednesday, February 14, 2018 Dear Diary, You are not going to believe what happened tonight. I still can’t believe it. Cody finally proposed! Aaahhh! I was hoping that this day would come but to be honest I had given up on him ever popping the question. With him always gone and deploying overseas, it has not been easy to keep our relationship together. I couldn’t believe it when he told me that he was going to take me out for Valentine’s Day. In usual Cody style he had this whole elaborate scene with a note under my dessert at Ophelia’s. I was taking my last bite and written on the plate in sharpie was “Hey Look Up.” So, I looked up and noticed that Cody was down on one knee on the floor by my chair. Oh my God, I just started crying and shaking my head yes! I am in shock. I’m going to be Mrs. Cody Dalton in 8 months. I can’t wait! Jessica” What in the living hell. I don’t believe this. Of course, he’s taken! Overcome with nausea, I run into the bathroom and dry heave over the toilet. Oh my God, I almost made a gigantic mistake. To think I almost had sex with him. Well in a manner of speaking I guess we did have sex but thank God I wasn’t able to go all the way with him. I would never be able to forgive myself. The poor girl. How could he do this to Jessica?” Danny is yelling from the other side of the bathroom door, “Hey Paigey, lover boy is here!”
Challenge Accepted
Cody – Chapter Eleven You can’t run from the subconscious mind “You’re going to love this.” Jessica looking sexy as hell pulls off my shirt before I can even get my bearings. “Damn, woman, let a guy catch his breath first.” Pulling back, I grab her and lift her onto the kitchen counter, holding her hands behind her back. “Have you been a bad girl while I was away? Do I need to spank that sweet ass of yours?” She’s giving me her naughty girl smile and I can’t wait to taste her. “Naughty girls need to be punished don’t they darlin’?” She slowly nods her head up and down. “Cody, I need you inside me now. It’s been six months and you smell so good I want to eat you.” I let go of her hands and she’s grabbing my belt buckle loose and pulls down my pants. “Oh God Jessica, you taste like heaven, I missed you so much.” I’m kissing my way down her neck to her color bone. She grabs my erection and slides her hand up and down. “Yes, right there.” I pinch her nipples and squeeze her breasts while kissing my way down her belly to her honey pot. She’s leaning back on her hands giving me full access by parting her legs for me. I pull down her panties and latch on, sucking her into my eager mouth. “Oh, that feels so good. Oh, God Cody.” I can tell she’s about to cum but I’m not going to let that happen just yet. “Does the naughty girl want to cum?’ I reach down and slide my finger through her slick folds and bring my thumb down hard on her clit. She’s moaning softly pulling my head down even further into her sweet juices. God, I love the sounds she makes while I’m going down on her. Before she can cum, I pull myself up and plunge into her as far as I can go. She has her hands in my hair pulling me down over her as I pump into her hard and fast. She’s screaming as we both cum and I fill her canal with my juices. We are both covered in sweat and our breathing is coming back to normal. I pick her up and she puts her legs around my waist as I carry her into the bedroom. I gently lay her down and I climb in next to her. Exhausted, we fall asleep and rest up for round two. A Harsh reality sets in There’s a loud knocking on the front door that jars me from my sleep. I look around getting my bearings but find that Jessica is gone. I slide on some sleep pants and run to see who is banging on the door. “Just a sec, I’ll be right there.” I open the door to a police officer. “Is there a problem officer?” He takes his hat off, holding it in his hand looking somber. “Are you Cody Dalton?” I nod and give him a confused look, “Yeah”. “Mr. Dalton, there’s been a robbery a couple blocks down at Emily Kate’s Bakery.” Still confused, “I’m sorry to hear that but why are you here knocking on my door?” “Well, sir do you know a Jessica Collins? You’re listed on her phone as an In-Case-of Emergency contact.” My stomach has dropped to the floor, “Oh my God, is she alright? Where is she now? I need to talk to her.” “Mr. Dalton, Jessica was waiting in line for her order when the assailant came into the bakery. He grabbed her putting a gun to her head. Another customer tried to take him down from behind, but the assailant’s gun went off shooting her in the head. Ms. Collins died at the scene.” I’m just staring at him shaking my head back and forth. Someone is screaming in the background and I realize it’s me screaming at the top of my lungs, “Nooooooooooooooo.” it was only a dream I jump up and fall out of bed. I reach up and feel the moisture on my cheeks. Briefly, I’m disoriented and look around seeing Paige still fast asleep. She’s breathing in and out softly with a soft smile on her lips. Jessica is haunting my dreams again. It’s been months. She had left a note that I found later that fateful day when she didn’t come home from her bakery run. She had woken up and decided to surprise me with some fresh croissants. I should have been there. I could have saved her. But instead, I slept through the whole ordeal as she lay bleeding out on the floor of the bakery. For months she had worried about my safety. Every time I deployed on a Special Ops mission, she’d cry and hold on to me so tight not wanting to let go. Never knowing if I would be the one returning draped in an American flag over my steal box. Running my hands up and down over my face and up through my hair, I expel a frustrated breath. Paige looks like a sleeping angel and gently I run a hand down her face and my thumb over her bottom lip. With thoughts of Jessica, guilt washes over me for wanting to make love to Paige. I haven’t felt this way about a woman other than Jessica for a very long time and I just want to keep Paige safe. Hopeful for a new beginning She gently stirs and readjusts her position going back to making soft breathing sounds of her unencumbered sleep. Walking over to the couch, I pull out Jessica’s journal from my pack. Her family thought I should have it since it was the story of our life together. A life I couldn’t wait to share and was ripped away Fanning through the pages, I stop on the page that holds her picture. My eyes crinkle as I smile back at her, I trace her face, hearing her soft sigh of contentment like a whisper from the past. I tuck her picture back in the journal and lay it down to search through my pack for a clean shirt but no luck. I realize all my clothes must be in my other bag still on the bike. The pink and purples of a new day are filtering through the soft white curtains. Deciding not to wake Paige just yet, I decide to go into town and get more of Betty’s Cinnamon rolls to give us some fuel for our extracurricular activities later. I quietly open and close the front door and walk out to my bike. I find a shirt in my bag and slip it on. Loading my pack into the side compartment, I put on my helmet and roll the bike far enough away from the cottage, so I don’t wake Paige up. Breakfast in bed – The envy of her friends I walk through the front door of Betty’s and I’m greeted by Rhonda. “Cody, nice to see you’re still alive. I’m telling you, I really thought Sheriff McGregor was going to have your hide. Good lord, I was convinced you’d be locked up in a basement cell by now. I’m glad to see that you still have all your” she pauses and looks down at my package, “Yeah well I really thought you’d be singing in a higher register next time I saw you if you know what I mean.” “Uh yeah no, we managed to evade Paige’s Dad after we left your house. I have to say the velvet Elvis is a nice touch.” Rhonda shakes her head at me, “We both know velvet Elvis has got to be one of the most God-awful paintings you’ve ever seen. I call bullshit on you. How’s my girl this morning?” Cody smiles and looks down seeing a menu and motions to Rhonda if it’s ok to grab it. “To be honest, I’m not sure yet. I left her sleeping in her cottage while I came into town for some breakfast for us both.” Rhonda gives him another once over, “Oh sweet baby Jesus, you mean to tell me that you are going to take Paige breakfast in bed? After her daddy ran you’ll all over town in the middle of the night? Why couldn’t you have just come into town first? I never get a crack at the good ones. It’s totally not fair, Paige always gets a first crack of whoever comes into town.” Cody is laughing, “You’re really not kidding are you?” She quirks up her right eyebrow, “Do I look like I’m kidding? I tried to get her to share, but nooooo. Rhonda starts laughing, “Do you have any brothers you can introduce me to?” Cody is looking at Rhonda like she is insane. “Such is my life in this blasted small-town kissing toads every day looking for my prince charming. Well, I’m sure you’re not here to chat me up all day, what’ll you have?” “Well, Paige mentioned that she loves Betty’s Cinnamon rolls last night.” She practically licked all the frosting off my fingers and lips before we had to bug out of Rhonda’s. “So, I thought I would come in and bring some back before she wakes up.” A job for the special forces “Did I hear you are taking Paige breakfast?” Mary comes over flashing her cleavage at me. “Yes, ma’am. I figured it’s the least I could do as I guess me coming into town caused such a stir yesterday with her Dad.” “Mary, go on now and get an order together for Cody to take to Paige. This here hot guy is taken and if Paige won’t share with me her best friend, she sure as hell is not going to share with you.” Cody is laughing at Rhonda, “Uh ladies, I’m standing right here. I’m beginning to feel like a piece of red meat. You ladies sound like you’re in dire straits with a hot guy shortage in Alma. I might be able to assist you with that.” Rhonda perks up, “Please tell me you have your special forces team on speed dial and you’re going to activate your bat signal! Please, please, please!” Cody is grinning and shaking his head back and forth at Rhonda, “I don’t know Rhonda, I think you may be too much woman for my guys to handle.” She throws her hands on her hips, “Seriously! I have to say I’m disappointed, I thought you were in the Special Forces, she emphasizes with air quotes, not the mediocre forces.” She winks at him and begins to walk away. “Hey Rhonda, challenge accepted.”
Close Encounters of the Cheating Kind
PAIGE – CHAPTER TWELVE Real Life is Never Like a Harlequin Romance This is just freakin’ great; the man of my dreams is taken, and I practically threw myself at him. No, I climbed him and attacked him without a thought to his relationship status. But in all fairness, he came onto me first! Oh, the nerve of him! He’s probably lookin’ all sexy and innocent, that Bastard! Oh God, what am I going to do? Bang, bang, bang, “Paige, did you not hear me? You’ve got a visitor of the sexy kind.” I splash water on my face and take some deep breaths trying to center myself. I’m mad as hell and I’m afraid I’m going to jump Cody, but this time to beat the hell out of him. Yelling, “I’ll be right out, have Cody sit down in my office.” I can hear Danny shuffle around outside the bathroom door, “You got it.” I can hear Danny showing Cody to my office. Oh crap, I left Jessica’s journal on my desk. Maybe he won’t see it. Better yet, I hope to hell he sees it! I exit the bathroom and go into my office and close the door. Before I know what’s going on, Cody has flipped me around and has lifted me up against the door, pushing his hard bulge into my center. His lips are scorching my skin up my neck. I let out a surprised yelp as his mouth comes down on mine in a hungry kiss that I can’t stop. This feels so good but it’s wrong. I manage to pull away, “Cody stop, stop, I mean it, stop!” I push at his chest and he releases me causing me to hit the floor and lose my balance. Catching me, he grabs my arms to keep me from falling. The Gig is up Cody is looking all confused, “Paige, what’s going on?” Yelling softly at first and getting progressively louder, “What’s going on? What’s going on? You have some nerve mister. Was this just a final hook-up before you get married? A random encounter to brag about at your bachelor party?” His forehead is crinkled with confusion, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I’m not getting married. What kind of guy do you take me for?” Moving away from him toward my desk, “I don’t know Cody, maybe the kind that has one last fling before tying the knot. Isn’t it convenient that you found someone in a small backwater town where Jessica will never find out about it?” I lift the journal off my desk, “Jessica Collins, the girl you’re supposed to be marrying in a couple of weeks.” His expression changes from confusion to anger. Through clenched teeth, “How in the fuck did you get a hold of that? You shouldn’t look through things you don’t understand.” Danny to the rescue “Hey what the hell is all this yelling going on back here?” Danny has opened the door to my office. “Paige, do you need me to get him out of here?” Cody reaches over and grabs the journal out of my outstretched hand. Thinking he’s going to hit me, Danny reacts by grabbing him from behind. Cody is too fast for him and punches Danny knocking him to the ground. Screaming, “Get the hell out of here you bastard!” Danny jumps up and runs at Cody’s gut taking him down into the hallway. They struggle to dominate the other and Cody being better trained in combat, knocks Danny off him causing him to stumble back into me. I hear the familiar sound of Daddy’s siren and breathe a sigh of relief. “What in Gods green earth is going on here?” “Sorry Sir, I was just leaving.” Cody tries to side-step my Dad, but he manages to grab his arm. “No, I’m sorry son but you’re going to need to come with me down to the station.” “Daddy it’s ok, just let him go.” Shaking his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do that Peanut, someone called in a domestic disturbance. I’ll need you and Danny to follow me down to the station to give your statements as well. Daddy pulls out his handcuffs and pulls Cody’s hands behind his back. “You have the right to remain silent….” Later at the police station Danny and I pull up to the station and park, both of us in a daze. “What the hell was that back there?” I expel a couple long breaths and begin to cry. The tears just start flowing down my cheeks and it turns into a full body spasm. “Hey, hey, come here little girl.” Danny pulls me into a hug and is stroking my hair as I lean into his chest. “He’s getting married and I nearly slept with him. I’m so stupid, a guy like that doesn’t just show up in town and fall for the first girl he sees. I really thought he liked me and was a good guy. But he’s like every other guy who comes into town looking for a one-night stand.” I go into my ugly cry and Danny just holds me and continues stroking my hair. “Shhhh… shhhh… it’s going to be ok baby girl.” I sink my face deeper into his shirt and wipe my face on his shoulder. Danny hands me his handkerchief, “Here why don’t you blow your nose on this instead of my shirt.” smart guys always have a handkerchief ready “Oh, I’m so sorry.” I start wiping his shirt with the hankie making it worse. “Hey, hey, stop just blow your nose, ok?” “Now, put on your big girl panties and let’s go in there and tell your Daddy what happened.” I start ugly crying again, “I’m afraid of what Daddy will do to him. I don’t want him hurt, I just want him to leave town.” “Listen, look at me.” He pulls my chin up so I’m looking into his eyes. “Paige, your Daddy is not going to do anything stupid. Come on let’s get this over with.” He gets out and comes around to my side of the car. Opening my door, he helps me out and puts his arm over my shoulders walking me inside. I’m grateful for the extra support as my legs have turned into spaghetti and are unstable. “Well hello Paige, Danny, how can I help you all today?” Maggie, the station clerk for the last 15 years, is always so damn cheerful. “Uh hello Maggie, we’re here to see Paige’s Dad.” “Oh, ok, let me just ring him, he just brought in an out-of-town fella that was raising a ruckus over at the Garage.” She pauses and realizes that it’s our garage she’s talking about. “Oh goodness, are you all ok, oh my goodness, I forgot that you guys run the garage.” “It’s ok Maggie, so is it alright if we just go back to Daddy’s office and wait for him?” “Of course, you all go right on back.” She’s giving me a worried sympathetic look as she buzzes us in and we pass back behind the front desk. the waiting is the hardest part Ten minutes later, Daddy’s office door opens, “Well at least he didn’t put up a fight as I was booking him in. You two want to explain to me what the hell happened before I got there?” Danny and I are looking at each other and he’s signaling to me to go ahead. “Well Daddy, I discovered that Cody is engaged to be married and was leading me on. I confronted him about it, and he lost it. Danny thought he was going to hit me and that’s when he grabbed Cody. Cody punched Danny knocked him down and then Danny jumped up and knocked Cody down.” I start crying again and I pull out Danny’s handkerchief and blow my nose. Daddy’s office door flies open, “Peanut are you ok?” Momma, I jump up and run into her waiting arms. “Shhh now, there, there. It’s gonna be ok baby.” “Danny, is that what happened?” Danny is moving around in his chair trying to get comfortable, “Well, yes sir. I heard Paige start yelling, so I walked back to her office to see what was going on. I opened the door and saw Cody grab something out of her hand. It looked to me like he was going to hit her, so I grabbed him from behind.” he may be no good but i think i love him “Daddy, please don’t hurt him. He wasn’t going to hurt me, he was just upset because I had read his fiancée’s journal and found out he’s getting married in a couple of weeks.” “I knew that boy was no good! Didn’t I tell you, Delores, he was no good? That son-of-a-bitch is lucky I didn’t know any of this when I was booking him.” Momma is always the voice of reason, “Now Bob, we don’t know the whole story. Let’s not be too hasty and judge him before he’s had a chance to explain. I don’t know the young man but Paige, you thought a lot of him this morning when we talked. There’s probably a simple explanation.” “I don’t care if there is a simple or complicated explanation, he made Peanut cry. I will keep him locked up for 24 hours, so he can cool down, then I’m going to personally escort him out to the city limits.” “Paige, honey, why don’t you come home with me, and I’ll make you some hot chocolate.” I look over at Daddy and he’s signaling me to go on with Momma. “Danny, can you go back to the Garage and finish out the day for Paige?” “Yes, ma’am. I was planning on it.” “Well, I guess I’ll let the asshole have his one phone call.” Daddy gets up and walks us out of the station. Reaching for me he pulls me into a bear hug. “It’s going to be ok little girl. Don’t you worry, you won’t have to talk to him or see him ever again.” I don’t know why but the thought of never seeing Cody again made me break out into another ugly cry session.
Farting Aint Sexy
CODY- CHAPTER THIRTEEN Sheriff McGregor approaches my cell, looking angrier than before. “If I could get away without letting you have your damn phone call I would. But according to the law, I, unfortunately, have to.” “Sir I don’t know what Paige has told you, but I’m not getting married to anyone.” “Save it for your attorney. I’m not interested in the BS coming out of your mouth.” Bob opens the jail cell and allows Cody to step out. “You only get one phone call, so you better make it a good one.” Pointing to the phone hanging on the wall, “Go on now, I don’t have all day to wait for you to figure out who in the hell to call.” Cody picks up the receiver and dials the only person that can make this right. The phone rings once, twice, and just when he was going to give up, “Hello?” “Sir, it’s Cody Dalton. I’ve run into some trouble in Alma, Missouri. I need your help.” Major Tom was completely silent on the other end of the line. “Hello Sir, are you still there?” “Yes, I’m still on the line. Son, how in the hell did you end up in Alma, Missouri? I thought you were supposed to be getting your head straight, not exploring backwater towns. What is it you need help with?” “Sir, I was arrested, and I need your help to get out.” A loud expulsion of breath is heard over the line, “Well if you’re in jail in Alma, I guess I’ll have to call up my old buddy Bob McGregor. Is he still the sheriff?” “Yes sir, I had gone on a date with the Sheriff’s daughter and wound up in here when we had an argument.” “Sounds like you’ve got a real shit sandwich in a town with no bread.” “I guess that’s one way to put it, Sir.” “I can probably guess what happened to get you locked up, but I’ll expect a full briefing when I get there Dalton. Do not engage, I repeat do not engage in any further dialogue unless absolutely necessary. You got it, soldier?” “Hooah Sir.” Well compared to some of the hell holes I’d been in, this was friggin’ club med. Deputy “Dan”, barely out of the academy, wouldn’t know what to do if I really wanted to escape. I’ll just lay low, take a nap, and wait for the cavalry to show up. Entering the Alma Police Station, Tom Bowie looks around and walks up to the counter. “Ma’am, I’m here to see Sheriff McGregor, we have some business to discuss.” Maggie holds up her index finger, “Just a sec, I need to grab the phone first and I’ll be right with you. Please have a seat and there’s fresh coffee on the end of the counter.” She points him toward the coffee and turns to grab the phone. Busting out of his office, Sheriff McGregor throws his hands up in the air. “God Dammit Maggie, where in the hell are the keys to my cruiser?” Maggie pauses and puts her hand over the receiver and whisper yells back, “I don’t know Bob, maybe if we didn’t have a regular revolving door of people coming in to see you today, you’d remember where you put your keys.” Hearing someone clear his throat he turns around, “Tom? Tom Bowie?” “Yes, Sir, the one and the same.” Reaching to shake his hand, “What the hell brings you into my station today? What’s it been ten, fifteen years?” Tom chuckles, “I think it’s been close to twenty. How’s Delores and your girl, Paige is it?” “Oh, Delores and Paige are doing good best I can tell. You know women, they never say how they really are, you’ve got to guess half the time. Most of the time, I guess wrong. Paige had a little run-in this morning with some fuckin’ out-of-town asshole. Had to haul his ass down here to cool off.” Tom looking somber, “I wonder if you’ve got a minute. I need to talk to you about that asshole.” Going back into his office with Tom in tow, Bob motions for him to have a seat on the other side of his desk. “Bob, I know you have Cody Dalton in lock-up and I’m here to ask you to release him into my custody.” Pursing his lips, Bob takes a long breath and stares at Tom considering his offer. “I might consider releasing him into your custody if you can make sure he leaves town. I don’t want him coming back into town and bothering Paige.” “Bob, Cody is good people. He’s had a rough patch that nearly got himself killed during a mission a few months back. He’s supposed to be getting his head back on straight, so he can rejoin his unit.” “Tom, Paige seems to think that Cody is supposed to get married in a couple of weeks to some girl in Kansas City. Do you know anything about that?” Tom raises both his eyebrows, “Well last I heard, Cody had asked a girl to marry him but there was an accident. You might have heard about it. This past March, his fiancé was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she was shot in the head. She died at the scene in Prairie Village.” Recognition dawned on Bob’s face. He remembered hearing about the incident. Some kid looking for some cash to feed his habit stole his Dad’s gun. He had killed his hostage and then he shot himself. “I can see by the look on your face that you know what I’m talking about. Well, that girl killed in the attempted robbery, she was Cody’s fiancé. He’d only been engaged a little over a month when it happened. Poor kid blames himself because he wasn’t with her.” “I’m hoping you could see your way clear to just release him to me, so I can get him back on his feet. He needs a reason to live and getting him back with his Special Forces family will do that. You know as well as I do that a record will be career ending for him in the Army. Dalton is a real pain in my ass, but the kid’s got real talent in the field. I don’t want to see his career slip through his fingers.” Bob expels another loud breath, “Well I guess you could say we have some extenuating circumstances regarding Mr. Dalton. I can’t say as I blame the kid for losing it. I don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost Delores. She’s my moon and stars. I suppose I could release him without creating any record if you take full responsibility for him.” “I’ll do you one better, I’ll take him back to my ranch and make him do some hard labor to work off some steam until he can rejoin his unit. I appreciate you working with me on this. I wouldn’t do this for just anyone. Cody is someone worth saving.” “Hey, sleepin’ beauty, time to wake up. You’ve made bail.” Cody sitting up, runs his hands up and down over his face, wiping away the sleep from his eyes. “Hey, kid, didn’t they train you not to sneak up on a Special Forces soldier? That is if you don’t want to live to talk about it.” Cody gives him his military game face, but he can’t help himself, he starts softly chuckling. “Had you going there for a sec didn’t I. No, seriously, don’t ever do that again.” The poor kid still wasn’t sure how to take Cody and started backing away after he unlocked the cell. “I’m just fuckin’ with ya, what’s your name?” “Name’s Pete.” “Ah, Pete, you wouldn’t be the Pete related to Betty who owns the diner?” Pete tips his hat, “That I am, that I am.” Cody chuckles to himself remembering that Paige had referred to him as Betty’s idiot nephew. Great, I’m surrounded by idiots and a pissed off Dad with the power to shoot me. “I thought you were the cook over at the diner.” “Yeah, I was until too many people complained and my Aunt Betty fired me.” Thank God he wasn’t cooking last night. I would hate to add food poisoning to my adventures in the last twenty-four hours. “Well, it looks like you rebounded. I would imagine being a deputy only enhances your chances with the ladies.” Pete shakes his head, “Yeah, you’d think it would but not in this podunk town. Hell, I’ve known all the available women in this town since I was in diapers. It’s hard to come across like you’re in control and mysterious when they’ve seen you running around trying to light your farts at a bonfire. Cody gives him an appraising look, shaking his head back and forth, “Yep, I don’t profess to know a lot about women but what I do know is farting aren’t sexy. Especially for women, you want to get naked with.” Pete gestures for him to walk toward the door, “Well let’s get you out of here before Sheriff McGregor changes his mind.” “Dalton, you look like crap son.” Walking up to Major Bowie to shake his hand, “Sir, if I might say how lovely you look today.” Chuckling, “Well Cody, what do you say we get you out of here?” “Sir, I’d like nothing better. I need you to take me over to get my bike.” Tom looks over at Bob and he nods a silent affirmation. “Well son, the sheriff is going to deliver your bike to my ranch later. I had to promise to keep you away from his daughter. It’s the only way he’s releasing you into my custody today.”
I Speak Fluent ValleySpeak When Drunk
PAIGE – CHAPTER FOURTEEN “Paige! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in here for two weeks.” Rhonda rushes up and gives me a bear hug. “Well I’ve been keeping myself busy at the garage working twelve-hour days. I’m so exhausted when I get home, I feed Mr. Darcy and drown my sorrows in red wine till I pass out. I thought I better stop in today and get some takeout to go with my red wine tonight.” By the looks of Rhonda’s worried face, Paige can practically hear the lecture coming. “Paige, why didn’t you call me? Good Lord girl, if anyone can help you drink red wine like a champ it’s me. Hell, I am a red wine connoisseur and have an unbelievably detailed pairing list. For instance, raw cookie dough is perfect with merlot and sweet red is delectable with sugar cookies. It’s a gift really.” Paige feels the hint of a smile reach the corner of her lips. It’s the first time in two weeks that she hasn’t felt like crying. “Rhonda, I was so depressed I didn’t know if I could be around anyone without the ugly cry surfacing. I should have known you’d be able to pull me out of my funk.” Grabbing my arm, Rhonda drags me to the back of the diner. “I know what you need, Betty’s cinnamon rolls.” The Cure for all that Ails You “Oh my God, you’re right, I do need some of Betty’s cinnamon rolls. I’ll take six of those to go and don’t skimp on the cream cheese frosting. I need enough frosting to put me into a sugar coma later.” “Paige, how about I come over after my shift. I’ll be getting off in an hour. We can eat cinnamon rolls paired with the perfect German Riesling and I’ll even bring poor Mr. Darcy some special kitty treats. I don’t have to work tomorrow so we can stay up all night like we used to in High School.” “That really sounds great, but I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay up. If I need to, Danny can cover for me tomorrow at the Garage. He has been such a God send these last couple of weeks.” Oh Shut Up Mary Mary appears with Paige’s to-go order of Betty’s classic bacon mushroom burger and a half dozen cinnamon rolls. “Here you go Hun, you may want to spend some time on a treadmill after all this business.” She hands Paige the best thing she’s smelled in days. She could practically taste the juicy goodness of the melty cheese, the hamburger and the crispy bacon. “That is if you want to atract any other eligible men who may come into town. It’s a shame that delicious guy you brought in here a couple weeks ago didn’t work out.” “Mary, don’t you need to go poof your hair or readjust your rack for your admirers?” Rhonda shewed Mary away from Paige. “I’m sorry Paige, I told Mary to keep her trap shut but she just can’t help herself.” Rhonda walks up and throws her arm around my shoulders and guides me back toward the front door. “It’s ok Rhonda, I’m dealing with it. I really thought we had something special and was foolish to think like I was in a Harlequin romance. That’s what I get for reading those stupid books, they really screwed up my sense of reality.” “Well considering we don’t have much of a choice as far as available men, I would have jumped him too. Quit beating yourself up over it. I’ll see you in about forty-five minutes with wine and enough junk food for a 24-hour bitchfest. Be careful going home kiddo.” Paige reached out and grabbed Rhonda, hugging her with a new-found strength. Feeling the tears rising once again I whisper into her hair, “I’ll be good until you get there, I can’t promise I won’t already be drunk though.” Rhonda pats my back, “Go on now, I may be able to get out of here sooner if I can rope Mary into doing my end of shift prep.” Depression Sets in Again I pull up to my dark lonely house and sit in the car just staring blankly ahead. Catching a whiff of the juicy cheese burger, I realized I had once again lost my appetite. “Well get your butt moving girl, no sense in letting this food go to waste.” Pulling off my seatbelt, I drag myself up the steps and into Mr. Darcy’s warm welcome at the front door. Dropping my purse and keys on the counter, I hold onto my food and flop down on the sofa. I’d been living on the sofa for the last two weeks. I didn’t even have the energy to go upstairs to my bedroom. Who was I kidding, I didn’t want to get into a cold bed by myself. Sleeping with Cody had ruined me to sleeping by myself ever again. It felt so safe and comfortable in his arms, laying on his chest, snuggled up to his side. It was just too damn depressing. Here come the waterworks. Was Any of it Real? God damn him, how in the hell did I fall in love with him so fast? An ugly wave of jealousy washes over me toward Jessica. Why had he strayed if they were so in love? Surely, she must have some major character flaws for Cody to go sniffing around my tree. Cody might be the type of guy who can’t handle monogamy. Some guys break when the full weight of till death do us part is close to becoming a reality. I need answers, I think I’m in love with him. Did we truly have a special connection? This feeling between us, it was real, I know it. I must find out before he marries her otherwise, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. I’ll never be able to let it go without closure. I refuse to be Jane Austin’s Anne Elliot to Navy Captain Frederick Wentworth in the novel Persuasion. Nope, that is not happening. It’s Time for a Confrontation I’ve made up my mind, I’m going to drive up to Kansas City tomorrow and confront Jessica. She needs to know so she can make an informed decision about the rest of her life. I know it’s selfish, but I would want to know. I’m finishing my second glass of wine when Rhonda comes in the front door. She looks at me shaking her head, “You’re drunk, already aren’t you? So, are you happy drunk Paige, or sad drunk Paige?” “Well it’s safe to say, I’m sad drunk Paige.” I pour myself another glass of wine and raise my glass toward Rhonda, “Cheers.” “Honey, drinking yourself to death is not going to make the hurt go away.” Rhonda puts her supply of junk food on the breakfast bar and comes over to sit by me on the couch. “Yeah, well, it sure as hell helps dull the pain for a little while. I know what will fix everything absolutely everything. I’m starting to slur my words a bit. It’s so funny, I don’t know why but when I get super drunk, I start talking like a valley girl. I’ve perfected the San Fernando Valspeak. Like Oh My God, I’m such a lightweight fer sure. “Like, I’ve decided, I’m like totally going to get in my bitchin’ ride and like totally get closure to the max. Jessica like needs to know like whatever this thing is, is totally not going away fer sure.” I Speak Fluent Valley Girl When I’m Drunk “Paige, snap out of it. You have never lived in California and you sure as hell are not anything close to Moon Unit Zappa.” Rhonda gets up and grabs the tube of chocolate chip cookie dough. “Here girl, take a bite of this, maybe the sugar will throw you over the edge, so you can sleep off this ridiculous idea of confronting this other woman.” She puts “other woman” in air quotes. “Actually Paige, for intents and purposes, you’re the other woman. How are you going to deal with her wrath with you? You’re the one screwing up her wedding that she’s been planning for eight months. How would you feel is some strange woman showed up at your door step the week before your wedding with a claim to your man?” “I’d slap her silly and call her out for the bitch she is. But, like this is different, I don’t fuckin’ care, I need fuckin’ closure dammit. Just because that heinous bitch saw him first doesn’t like mean she’s the right one for a righteous dude like Cody.” Rhonda is staring at me her eyes wide and eyebrows up to her hairline. “Paige honey, you’re talking like a crazy person whose possessed by some wackadoodle. Girl I believe you done lost your mind.” She quickly does the catholic sign of the cross to block any of the crazy from coming her way. “I’m serious Rhonda, I can not sit by and let Cody marry Jessica without talking to her first. I need to know that they are truly meant for each other. My guess is that they are not if he was over here in Alma making out with me. He was going to help me divest myself of my virginity for God’s sake. Does that sound like someone whose about to get married to the love of his life? Well, does it?” How Did I Not Know That You’re Still a Virgin? I’m yelling at this point, and I’m finding it harder and harder to reconcile my whole situation with how I feel for Cody. “Wait, wait, you’re still a virgin? Paige, how in the hell did I not know this. I thought Bobbie Sanders took your v-card in High School.” Looking up from the tube of cookie dough, “Nope, I shut him down after he felt me up. He was too aggressive, and it didn’t feel right. He was mad as hell and pushed me out of the car by Corder Cemetary where we were parking. That was the longest darkest walk of my life. I never told anyone, and he told everyone we’d done the deed because he had a reputation of closing the deal with the ladies. I didn’t really care because you know I wasn’t a shiny new toy that needed to be unwrapped anymore. It was really a relief to be honest.” Rhonda gets up from the couch and walks over to my medicine cabinet in the kitchen. She pulls out a bottle of ibuprofen, pours a glass of water, and walks back over to the couch where I am fading fast. “Here Ms. Lightweight, take three of these and drink all this water. I think you are done drinking for the evening.” Sad Drunk Paige “But I haven’t even touched the bottle you brought yet.” Rhonda reached down and took the now empty glass of water from my hand. “Come on wino, time for beddy-bye before you pass out down here.” She pulled my arm over her shoulders and grabbed me around the waist with her other arm to walk me up the now endless staircase to my bedroom. Slurring my words even more now, “Oooh Rhondaaa, you know how muuuch I luuuve youuuu?” I reach up with both my hands in front of me, “this much!” She continues up the stairs with me as I get heavier and heavier. “Alright, Paigey, come on.” We finally reach my bedroom and I fall on the bed with my legs hanging over the side. “Rhonda, you’re not going to leave me, are you? Please don’t leave me.” The tears start flowing again, “I can’t sleep by myself, I just can’t. Please don’t leave me.” “Paige, it’s going to be all right. I’m not going to leave you, ok? Now stop that sobbing, you’re…
Knock, Knock. Who’s There? Midge of Course
Paige – Chapter Fifteen The Morning After Ugh, my head feels like someone took a sledgehammer to the side of it and for good measure kicked me between the eyes. I sit up and squint at the bright sun shining through my bedroom window. Rhonda comes in the room singing, “Good morning, good Morning, it’s time to start a brand-new day. Good Morning, good morning to you.” “Please, make it stop. My head feels like it’s going to explode.” I flop back on the bed and pull my pillow over my head to muffle her damn cheerful ass singing. “I see your drunk ass is awake finally. ’ll be right back with some more acetaminophen for that head of yours. You need to build up your wine tolerance Paige.” Still under my pillow and slightly muffled, “Yeah Rhonda, that’s at the top of my list.” She disappears and returns with the little white pills that will hopefully put an end to this vibrational hell I’m in. Just her shuffling across the floor is making my head pound. I swallow my salvation and drag myself into the shower allowing the hot spray to sluice over me for like five minutes. I need to get my head on straight, so I can make the trip up to Kansas City. Thankfully, I had written down Jessica Collins address before Cody had ripped the journal out of my hand. Finding Jessica may be an extremely bad idea and spending the rest of my life wondering will be far worse. I’m going for it and I’m not changing my mind. I’m dressed and make my way downstairs where Rhonda is making breakfast. “Do you know how much I love you?” Rhonda starts snickering, “Uh yeah you told me repeatedly last night how much you love me in your drunken stupor.” Laughing, “Yeah I was pretty drunk on wine when you got here last night. “Paige are you sure you want to disrupt your life and break-up someone else’s wedding just to prove a point?” I Can’t Help it, I Love Him I sigh, cross my arms on the table and lay my head down on top of them. I sit like this for what seems like forever but after only a minute I raise my head up, “I cannot live my life on what could have been. I know it’s crazy, but I have never felt this way about anyone and I know Cody feels the same way about me. I’ve fallen in love with him. Whatever happens, I’m prepared for the consequences and I will make peace with whatever way this falls.” Rhonda is studying me closely and gives me that resigned look of hers, “All right honey, let’s do this. The faster we find Miss Jessica, the sooner you can move on with your life. I’ll load up the car, while you get ready to go.” Looking around my living room, I see Mr. Darcy laying in the sunlight and stretching out on the floor. “Hey there Mister, are you hungry? Let’s get you a cat treat.” I rub his head and wish I could be as care free as he is right now. We’ve been on the road for about an hour and a half and as we get closer to the desired address, the bigger the knot in my stomach grows. “Hey Rhonda, how are we doing on time?” Looking at her phone, “Well according to Waze, we should arrive in about ten minutes.” Moment of Truth Ten minutes, six-hundred seconds, three songs on the radio, a lifetime, and no time at all. “So, have you thought about what you’re going to say when she opens the door?” I look over at Rhonda and shake my head. “If I had thought about any of this, I probably wouldn’t be in your car headed to see Jessica in the first place.” Rhonda sighs, “Well you’d better think of something, because her apartment is coming up on the left. I’ll just park the car while you contemplate your plan of destruction.” What am I doing? This is insane, stupid, and selfish. “You’re coming with me, right?” Rhonda raises her right eyebrow at me. “Seriously? Do you not know me? Of course, I’m coming with you.” Rhonda expels a loud breath, “Girl you need all the help you can get and I’m not about to leave you hanging the one time you have lost your ever lovin’ mind.” “Thanks for having my six girlie.” We pull up in front of the apartment complex and Rhonda parks on the street. Good if we need to make a fast get away, this will be a great spot. “Alright girl, moment of truth, go fight for your man.” I reach down for the door handle and my hand is shaking like crazy. I push through and jerk it open hearing Rhonda exiting the car on the other side. Walking up to the apartment, I try to figure out what I’m going to say. Hey Jessica, Hi, I’m Paige and I’m in love with your fiancé and as a result I’m taking him. Nope that won’t work. Hi Jessica, I’m Paige and Cody is mine. Yeah, that’s probably not gonna work either. Before I know it, I’m standing in front of her door. I pause, take a deep breath, and expel it. Knock, Knock, Knock. No answer, I guess she could be out. I knock once more pounding louder. If she was in the bathroom, she wouldn’t hear the knocking. Boom, Boom, Boom. A Cup of Tea Will Fix Most Things Abruptly the door across the breeze way from Jessica’s apartment opens. “Excuse me, I heard you knocking on my neighbor’s door, are you looking for Jessica and Cody?” A woman, about my Mom’s age, is standing in her doorway in yoga gear giving me a concerned questioning look. “Hi, I’m Paige, I’m looking for Jessica Collins, do you know where she is?” “Hon, are you a friend of Jessie’s?” She’s giving me the same look I’ve seen a million times from my Dad when he had to give someone sad news. “Jessica and I have an acquaintance in common. I needed to ask her some questions about him.”Like why in the hell is Cody coming after me when they’re supposed to be getting married soon. “Do you know where I can find her, it’s really important that I talk to her today.” Before I lose my nerve. “Hon why don’t you and your friend come in and join me for my morning tea. Everything always seems better after a hot cup of tea.” I pause looking confused as to why a perfect stranger would invite two other strangers into her apartment. She doesn’t know us from Adam. “Thank you ma’am but I’m kind of in a rush this morning, I’ll just come back later and try to catch her at home.” “Hon, you won’t be catching Jessie at home later. Seriously, just come in and I’ll tell you where you can find Jessie. I hate to have this conversation out here on the landing. I can tell you’ve got something heavy weighing you down.” Extending her hand toward me, “I’m Midge, and I don’t bite, I promise.” “Hi Midge, we don’t want to intrude.” She waves us in, “It’s always nice to talk to young people, besides I rarely get visitors anymore.” Rhonda and I look at each other and follow Midge into her apartment. Safety in numbers, plus how dangerous could a 50 something woman be? Midge gestures for us to sit at a small table and chairs in front of the sliding glass door. “I’ll just get the tea and bring it over.” Rhonda and I sit down and I’m wondering why Midge is being so cryptic about Jessica. Within minutes, she’s coming out of the kitchen with a full tea service of cups, cream and sugar and a beautiful tea pot. “Midge thank you for the hospitality, but we can’t stay long. I really just need to know where I can find Jessica so I can be on my way.” Realization Sets In Midge slowly pours us each a cup of tea, placing them in front of us. She motions for us to help ourselves to cream and sugar. “Hon, I’m afraid I have some sad news about Jessie. I didn’t want to tell you outside. I figured Jessie wouldn’t want me to do that.” Where is she going with this? Taking a sip of her tea, Midge continues, “You see hon, Jessica had a bad accident about eight months ago.” Midge reaches across the table and places her hand over mine. “Jessie had gone out to her favorite bakery and some fella decided to rob it when she was there in line. She was accidently shot and died at the scene.” I just stared at her with wide eyes and a gaping mouth. My body started shaking and tears just started rolling down my cheeks. Oh my God, how could she be dead. He wasn’t cheating on her with me. He was trying to forget her with me. There’s not going to be a wedding. “Hon, I know that this is probably a shock. I still can’t believe she’s gone myself. Cody, her fiancé, keeps paying for her apartment. He was so devastated he couldn’t bear to clean out her stuff.” I look up at her kind face as she gently pats my hand. I’ve got to get out of here, this is too much. Rhonda can read my body language and knows I’m about to bolt. “Paige, we really need to go.” I jump up from my seat, “Midge, thank you so much for your kindness and the tea. We need to get back to Alma. I’m so sorry to hear about your neighbor, it sounds like she was a special person.” Midge looks confused and concerned. “I know this must be hard, did you know Jessie well?” I shake my head, “To be honest, I really didn’t know her at all. I just needed to talk to her, but I guess I’ll need to get my answers from Cody now. I’m so sorry for your loss Midge but I really need to go.” Rhonda and I get up and move toward her front door, “Hon, I hope you can find whatever it is your looking for.” I turn and give Midge a half-hearted smile, “Me too, I just hope it’s not too late.” In a fog, I somehow stumble to Rhonda’s car and get in. I’m completely numb. I Smell a Storm Coming Rhonda reaches over and squeezes my hand. “Paige, are you alright?” Staring straight ahead I mumble something inaudible and shake my head back and forth. “Well I guess you’ll be wanting to find Cody right away, huh.” Rhonda starts the car and we get underway back to Alma, to the place where all this began. Rhonda pulls up to my house and wordlessly I fumble for the door handle to stumble out. I’ve been silently sobbing the whole way back to Alma. “Paige, do you need me to come in with you?” With my head hung down toward my chest, I slowly shake it no. “Ok then, I’m going to go talk to Danny and see where we can find Mr. Cody so you all can talk through this thing. I’m sure there are lots of words that’ll just start falling out when you see him.” “Rhonda, thanks for driving and going up to the apartment with me. I don’t think I could do any of this without you.” Rhonda winks at me, “Girl, there ain’t nothing I wouldn’t do for you. Now go on and rest up for that word tornado that’s about to hit Mr. tall dark and handsome.”
Back to the 80’s to Find True Love
Rhonda – Chapter Sixteen Finding Paige’s Soulmate Begins “Hey Danny, know where I can find Mr. tall, dark, and handsome who may or may not be Paige’s soulmate?” Danny slides out from under Brody’s pickup looking up Rhonda’s legs and finally landing on her raised right eyebrow and pursed lips. “Hey, my eyes and mouth are up here! Making a “v” with her right index and middle fingers she points them at her face. “Now Rhonda, simmer down now, I can’t help it if your damn long legs were right at my eye level? I was making my way up to your eyes missy.” Danny pops up off the mechanic’s creeper pad and reaches for a shop towel, “Why do either of you want to know where Cody might be? As far as I’m concerned, he’s not worth the dirt on the bottom of my shoes.” Rhonda expelling a loud breath, “Well, he isn’t who we thought he was.” Danny chuckles, “I know exactly who he is, a lying, self-serving asshole who wanted to take advantage of a backwoods girl on his way through our small town.” I hop up on the counter to allow my legs to dangle. “I’m telling you, we had Cody pegged all wrong. Paige and I drove up to Kansas City yesterday.” Confused, Danny continues to wipe the grease and soot from his hands. “Why in Gods green earth would you two drive up to Kansas City unless it was to confront – wait, please tell me you two idiots didn’t go up there to find the soon to be Mrs. Cody Dalton.” “Well this idiot is glad we did because we discovered something that is a complete game changer for Paige.” Danny stops wiping his hands and throws down the towel on the counter. “What exactly do you mean by a game changer? Either he’s getting married or he’s not, which is it?” I hop down from the counter and walk over to stand in front of Danny. Looking into his eyes I whisper, “Jessica is dead Danny, Cody isn’t getting married because there is no one for him to marry.” “Woah, seriously? How long, how?” Danny reaches up and wipes away a tear that’s formed and spilled over down my cheek. I feel the sadness again from Midge’s story and how devastated Cody must have been. “As best we can tell it happened about 7 months ago during a robbery. Jessica was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Her neighbor Midge heard us knocking on her door and told us the story.” Hidden Romance Revealed I reach up and place my hand over Danny’s and lean my cheek into his hand. “You know hearing what happened makes a person really examine their life and how we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Danny I’m tired of sneaking around behind Paige’s back with this thing we have between us. I don’t want to hide anymore. I think it’s time to let Paige know so we can be together out in the open.” Danny places his other hand on my face and brings me in close giving me the softest sweetest kiss we’ve ever shared. Slipping his hand to the back of my head, the kiss intensifies with a hunger neither one of us can extinguish. I pull Danny in even closer wrapping my arms around his middle wanting to feel his whole body against mine. From a distance the station bell dings as someone drives in for gas, breaking the spell of the kiss. Danny reluctantly pulls away giving me one more little kiss on my nose and forehead. “Well I reckon I better go take care of whoever that is.” He runs his hand through my hair and grabs me by the face and gives me one more quick kiss on the lips. “Can you stick around for a bit longer?” Rhonda just shakes her head yes still caught in the moment. “Hey Danny, you got my truck done yet?” “Brody, you know I’ve only had your dang truck for a couple of days. I told you it’d be at least a week to get all the work done. Besides, it’s not like you don’t have some wheels in the meantime. Hey, I’m glad you came by though, I was going to give you a call about something else.” Brody grins, “Listen I’m not fixing you up with any more women you horndog! Last time didn’t end well for either of us.” “That’s not even close to what I was going to ask you, douche bag. I was wondering if you’ve seen that new guy Cody Dalton around your bar lately.” Brody squints and gives Danny an assessing look. “I’ve seen him around, come to think of it, he’s been coming in every Saturday and nearly goes through a bottle of Jamison. What’s he done to Paige now?” “Cody ain’t done nothin’ to Paige. I just need to talk to him and wasn’t sure where to find him. Seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding about his availability status. I just want to hear it from the horse’s mouth.” Brody raises an eyebrow and nods his head in understanding. “Well if you want to catch him, I suppose he’ll be in the bar tonight if he repeats what he’s done for the last couple of weeks.” Brody turns to leave, “Well I suppose I’ll see you later then brother.” “I’m warning you Danny, don’t you come there to start a fight tonight. I’d hate to ban my best paying customer.” Danny gives Brody a salute, “No Sir.” “Yeah, yeah” Brody gives Danny a two-finger salute back and drives off. ⩫ Back to the 80’s to Find True Love Paige, Danny, and I pull up to Brody’s Bar, it’s about 8pm and the place is just coming to life. The 80’s cover band he’s hired for the night are just beginning their first set. Beer is flowing freely from the taps and seated at the end of the bar is none other that Mr. tall, dark, and handsome. Nodding my head toward him, Danny catches my signal and heads over to make first contact. “Hey hon, why don’t we go find a table while Danny gets us a couple of draws at the bar.” Paige hasn’t seen Cody yet and moves toward the booth on the far side. “You know I only came with you tonight because you guilted me, right? I would have been happy as a clam to sit at my house and drink my box wine but nooooo, you just had to come out to Brody’s tonight.” Rhonda gives Paige a gentle shove toward the booth that’s in a perfect spot to watch the band. “Alright, that’s enough out of you, missy. You’re gonna have fun tonight if it kills you!” On our way to the booth, we run into Becky and Darla on the dance floor. “Hey, why don’t you guys go on over to the booth and I’ll go help Danny bring back the beer.“ Making my way across the now crowded floor, I dance across the sea of locals to finally reach Danny. From the way his shirt has pulled tight across his back, I can tell he’s all tensed up. He’s talking to Cody and it doesn’t sound like it’s going well. “We just want to talk. I know there were some things said that weren’t true and I wanted to give you a chance to set the record straight.” Cody throws back another shot of Jamison and slams the empty shot glass onto the bar, “Fuck you and the horse you rode into town on. I don’t have to set anything straight because I didn’t do anything wrong.” “Cody, Paige found out what happened to Jessica yesterday. We’re all in shock and dumbfounded why you didn’t explain yourself a couple of weeks ago. She’s been a complete mess since she confronted you at the garage and torn up over your dumbass. That is until she found out that there isn’t going to be a wedding. She was convinced that you were using her as your last bachelor hoorah before getting hitched. When she found Jessica’s journal, what was she supposed to think?” Back to Reality with a Shot of Jamison Cody downed another shot of Jamison, slammed the glass on the bar and raises his eyes up in persecution. “What was she supposed to think? She can go fuck herself, that’s what I think.” Slurring his words more pronounced now, “Paige had no right to snoop around reading stuff that doesn’t belong to her. Jessica is mine alone and no one gets to look at her words but me!” Cody’s slapping his chest with his palms getting increasingly agitated. “You motherfuckers don’t know shit about losing the love of your life. At least I thought she was the love of my life until I met Paige. Paige is nothing like Jessica and yet she’s everything. I felt a connection with Paige that I never felt with Jessica.” Tears are rolling down his cheeks and he’s starting to shake. He pushes away from the bar and looses his balance falling against Danny. “Woah there Cowboy, I think you’ve had enough for tonight.” Danny steadies Cody back on his feet. Why don’t you let me take you to where you’re staying before you blackout.” Danny looks up and Paige is standing there, eyes wide as saucers, mouth in a large “o”, “Danny, if you get him to my house, I’ll look after him. It would seem we have a lengthy list of things to discuss.” Cody unsteady on his feet, is trying to push away from Danny. Making eye contact with Paige, he loses all his fight. Paige walks over and pulls his arm over her shoulders so she can walk him out to her car. “Just lean on me, we’re going back to my house so we can hash this crazy thing we have out.” I look at Paige and Danny and know that this could turn out incredibly good or extremely bad. “Hey Paige, are you sure you want to be alone with Cody? Danny and I could stay overnight.” I give Paige a reassuring look, but she just shakes her head no. Time to Sort Things Out “Guys, I can take care of myself and Cody is too drunk to do much of anything but listen. Just help me get him in my house and I’ll handle the rest.” Danny gets on the other side of Cody and pulls his arm over his shoulder as well. Together they get him in to Danny’s truck and up the stairs into her bedroom. “Paige are you sure you want him up here? Wouldn’t it be better to put him on the couch downstairs?” Paige shews Danny out of the bedroom and closes the door behind her. “Listen, he needs to sleep off whatever damage he did at Brody’s and then we have some things to sort out. I’ll be fine, trust me.” Danny and Paige come back down the stairs. I jump off the counter and reach for Paige, I give her a bear hug and whisper into her ear, “You call me if you need anything, ok? All right, I guess we’ll leave you to it.” Tears are beginning to run down her face. “Girl don’t you start crying, you know what will happen, I’ll start and then Danny will start, and we’ll all be a blubbering mess. Danny reaches and pulls us both into a group hug. “You both just better stop it right now or I’ll be forced to bring out my feminine side!” We all three started laughing at each other and straighten up. “Danny, I won’t be in tomorrow needless to say. This may take some time to work through.” “Listen, you take all the time you need, but I’ll be checking up on you tomorrow whether you like it…
Cat vs Cody – Hisssstaricle
Cody – Chapter Seventeen I wake up, lying in a bed that’s not mine, in a room, I don’t recognize. Squinting in the dark, I make out just enough to determine I’m not alone. Damn whiskey. My bed partner sighs and nestles into my side sliding a hand along my abdomen, squeezing, and resting on the little guy, electrifying the lower half of my body. Using all my senses now I recognize the faint floral scent. Paige. Oh, thank God it’s Paige and not some crazy bitch from the bar. How in the hell did she get me up here by herself? I must have blacked out after I let into Danny. A memory flashes of Paige and Danny getting me up the stairs. The Last thing I remember was yelling at Danny at the bar and… oh God, she heard everything I said. If I live a thousand years, I will never forget that look of anguish. Sharp Claws Await Strange Feet Careful not to wake sleeping beauty, I slide away and over the side of the bed. I hope to hell she has some aspirin. My feet hit the floor and they’re under attack. Her damn cat’s razor-sharp claws have clamped down on my feet. “Aaaaah, God dammit!” Jumping up and tripping across the room releases his grip. He arches his back, “Hiss, hiss, meoooow.” Looking down, I examine my feet to make sure I’m not bleeding out. Mister Furball slasher jumps onto the bed and begins licking his paws. Whispering, “Get out of here spawn of Satan. Shew. Shew.” Paige makes a cute little snort and flips over on top of the little S.O.B. “Meeeooow, hiss, hiss.” “What the hell Mr. Darcy! What in God’s green earth are you doing? Paige looks at the glowing red numbers on her nightstand, “Boy you better be warning me that Armageddon is happening cuz it’s only 5 o’clock in the morning!” Clearing my throat, “Ahem, uh, yeah, that would be my fault. I tried to get out of bed without waking you to find some aspirin. I guess he wasn’t expecting my size 10 feet coming over the edge of your bed. I’m sorry darlin’. Now go ahead and lay your pretty head back down and I’ll just go find something to dull the damn endless drumming in my temples.” “Cody, wait, I’ll get them. You’ll never find them in that mess of a closet in my bathroom.” She stumbles out of bed and trips over her damn cat launching her straight into my arms. “Whoa there spaz.” She’s blinking quickly trying to figure out what the hell just happened. Holding her body, feeling the heat of her against me, of course the little guy down under creates a noticeable bulge. Body Language is Talking “I thought you had a headache?” She says with a smirk and a raised right eyebrow. Smiling down at her I swoop in to take her mouth and get a hand in my face. “There’ll be none of that until One, we brush our teeth and two, we have a little talk about what the hell happened two weeks ago.” Ugh the last thing I want to do is talk I can’t even think straight. Holding her still, I lean in and whisper in her ear, “How about we use body language to talk, after I get that aspirin?” She shivers in my arms, “Cody, seriously we need to talk.” I lean in again and this time I capture my target planting a soft kiss on her half smiling mouth. The tension leaves her and she melts into me sliding her hands up my chest and around my neck. Mr. Darcy becomes a cat-a-pult She sighs and pulls me in tighter, “I’ve wanted to do this for two weeks. All I could think about was holding you.” I deepen the kiss and run my hands down the length of her back and grab her bottom lifting her up. Her legs encircle my waist as I walk us back toward the bed. Losing balance, we fall bouncing onto the mattress catapulting Mr. Darcy across the room. “Meeeooooow!” Paige breaks the kiss, “Oh poor baby, I’m sorry!” He sharply flicks his tail, gives her a squinty eyed stare, and runs out of the room. “He’s fine, shall we continue our conversation?” I go back in, covering her, nibbling on her ear, kissing my way down her neck, and pushing into her center with my fully erect package. Paige’s soft moan tells me I’m speaking her language. Talking is Overrated Breathless, Paige tries to continue our verbal conversation, “Cody, we really should talk about how we feel.” Licking my way down her stomach, her fingers slide into my hair and she’s pushing my head down. “Darlin, we don’t need words to know how we feel.” Making my way south, I pull down her panties and toss them behind me. Spreading her wide, I lick up her core stopping to suck on her clit. She nearly jerks off the bed shoving her pleasure center further in my face. “Oh God, you taste like heaven.” Continuing to suck and lick her clit, I stick in two fingers in to spread her for what is coming next. “Oh Cody, Oh God, that feels so good. Oh yeah, oh, don’t stop, don’t stop. Don’t you dare mother fucking stop!” Sucking her hard now, I can feel her about to fall over the edge. Yanking at my pants, I get them unzipped and pushed down. “That’s right baby, let yourself go. I’ve got you.” Slowly pushing my fingers in and out, I feel her body begin to shake and tense up. Hovering over her, “Paige open your eyes and look at me. Open your mouth.” I slide my index finger covered in her juices past her lips. “Suck it and taste yourself.” Pushing my underwear down my rock-hard cock springs out and I position myself at her opening. “Darlin, I’m going to take you now and once I start; I won’t be able to stop. Is this what you still want?” Hovering over her on my forearms, her legs come up and wrap around my waist. Looking deep into my eyes, she sighs, “Yes, oh yes.” Paige Finally Loses It Covering her mouth, my tongue invades her at the same time my cock pushes past her maidenhead until I’m filling her to the hilt. I still for a minute to allow her body to adjust to my invasion and slowly begin to rock in and out of her opening. “You’re so tight, I don’t know how long I’m going to last.” Her arms come up and pull me down further and tighten in a death grip for dear life around my neck. Picking up the pace, I can hear the smacking of our thighs as they connect with each push and feel the jiggle of her breasts beneath my chest. Breaking the kiss, I lick my way across her collar bone and gently take her right nipple between my teeth, sucking her entire breast into my mouth. Releasing it with a pop, I switch to her left breast. “Sweet Jesus Cody, I’m going to come. Oh, oh, right there, yes, yes, don’t you fuckin’ stop.” “Yes ma’am.” Raising up I push her legs toward her head and get up on my knees. I can tell the change in position is really hitting the spot as her moans are getting louder and higher. Sweat is dripping from my forehead and chest onto her stomach. She really is a sight to see orgasm. Probably the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. I can feel my balls tighten and release my load into her womb as she screams with her release as well. Finally Able to Release Built Up Emotions Collapsing on top of her I can feel my cock pulse a couple more times in her vagina. Resting my head on her chest, her arms gently pull me in further. Looking into her tear-filled eyes, “Paige, I love you so fucking much. Damn woman, I want you now and always. I’m tired of being afraid of losing someone else. I’m just so damn tired.” I feel moisture on my cheek out of the corner of my eyes. Wrapping my arms around her, we lay there together. The flood gate breaks releasing eight months of tears I’d been holding back from losing Jessica. Paige squeezes me tighter, gently stroking my hair back from my face as a mother would a wounded child. Whispering softly, “Shoo, shoo, there…. there, babe. I’m not going anywhere. You just let it all out. I’ve got you now.” We lay there holding each other gently crying together. Paige pulls the blanket over us and I fall asleep in the safe circle of her arms.