Reiki Sessions

A Reiki Session Explained
First, make the client comfortable
Typically for an effective reiki treatment, you should feel relaxed and comfortable. I am happy to answer any questions the client may have before I begin. Whether the session is in-person or long-distance the client will lay down on a comfortable surface. Treatments can also be given with the client seated in a chair. I offer a yoga blanket and pillow for the comfort of my in-person clients.
Second, conduct a well-being questionnaire
I build rapport and do a short questionnaire with my client. This helps me to determine what chakra areas they need me to focus on during the session. Clients are fully clothed during the session, however, shoes, glasses, metal jewelry, or watches should be removed before the session begins.
Third, Relaxing music and stillness
To take the Reiki session to the next level, I use crystals that correspond to each chakra. The reiki treatment is given by laying the hands over each chakra position. Hand positions can either be laid on the body or hover two to three inches above the body. The session typically lasts about 60 minutes with the client’s eyes either closed or covered with an eye pillow while listening to peaceful meditation music. It is common for my clients to fall asleep during the session.
Fourth, Gently wake client and offer water
Immediately after the reiki session, you will feel drowsy and extremely relaxed. You may experience a release of emotion after the session as well. It’s not uncommon for a client to have shed tears during the session and not realize it until they sit up. Drinking plenty of water after a session can help assist the detoxification process that sometimes occurs.
Fifth, Reflection and session completion
As I am also a Life Coach and if there is ample time, I am happy to allow the client to discuss any emotions or experiences they had during the session. I find it can help the client connect to the healing that occurred if they discuss their experience directly after the session.
I am available for either In-Person or Distant Reiki Sessions. You can book your session today!