My Secret Spot – Code Word Apple
Paige – Chapter Eight
Cody is looking serious and worried, “Paige”. Lifting two fingers to cover Cody’s lips, I shush him. “Cody, no more talking, I’m ready for this and I know what I want.” Cody smiles and kisses my fingers and slowly backs me to the edge of the bed. Oh my God, I’m really going to do this. I can’t believe this is happening. Cody reaches behind his neck and pulls his t-shirt over his head as only a guy can do.
Dropping his shirt to the floor, he steps forward and starts to pull my top over my head. “Paige, I mean it, if, at any time you want to stop, you just say the word, ok?” I help him finish pulling my top off to show him I am serious. “Oh Paige, you’re so beautiful.” Thank god I wore my sexy bra today.
Cody brings his hands up to either side of my face and tangles his fingers in my hair bringing me in for round one of kissing my pants off. And that’s is literally what happened. Before I knew it, I had grabbed his belt buckle and I was going for the zipper of Cody’s pants and he had unsnapped my bra and was taking down my jeans. All the while we were kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. We barely took breaks to catch our breath.
Falling on the bed together, all that separated us was his Jockeys and my Victoria Secrets. Laying on my back, Cody is laying on his side facing me. He’s slowed down kissing me and switches between gently tugging at my bottom lip and licking my tongue. His right hand slowly draws an invisible line down between my breasts and draws circles around my nipples. He gently pinches each nipple causing my chest to spasm up into his eager hand. He makes his way south down my stomach and stops his slow journey at the top of my boy-shorts. “Yes, please don’t stop, please don’t stop Cody.”
“Paige, you need to get dressed honey. Whoever is down there is serious and I suspect it’s not your friend Rhonda.”
He rests his forehead on mine and we’re looking into each other’s eyes. I’m about to explode with anticipation as his index finger slips down under my panties, slides through my pink folds, and quickly finds my sweet spot. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! “Darlin’ I do believe I’ve found your magic button.” I’m panting and I’m about to hyperventilate.
“Paige, look at me, open your eyes.” Unable to deny his command, I look up into his smiling green eyes and he comes down again for another round of slow, nibbling kisses that helps to stop me from hyperventilating. I can tell I’m ramping up again because his thumb has taken over rubbing back and forth over my clit and I feel the pressure of his middle finger tentatively entering my pussy. I’m at the edge ready to fall over, “Oh my god, oh my god, aaaahhh! I think I’m going to cum, I’m cumming, Oh my god, I’m cumming!”
POUND, POUND, POUND, “Paige, I think someone is pounding on the front door.” Cody stops the magical thing he’s doing with his fingers and is pulling his jeans back on. “What are you doing? No, no, no, this is not happening right now. Oh, for the love of all that’s holy!” Cody tosses my jeans, bra, and shirt to me. “Paige, you need to get dressed honey. Whoever is down there is serious and I suspect it’s not your friend Rhonda.”
“I’m seriously going to kill whoever is pounding on the door!” I get dressed as quickly as one can who is still experiencing orgasm fog. I’m livid and whoever it is, they will not quickly recover from the biting words I’ll be throwing at them.
POUND, POUND, POUND. “Paige, I know you’re in there, now open up!” Oh for the love of Pete, is that Danny? Yelling down the stairs, “Danny? Is that you?” I run down the stairs nearly slipping and sliding the rest of the way down. Peeking out the window by the door, sure enough, it’s Danny. Danny Rogers, my brother from another mother, is patiently waiting for me to open the front door. I barely get it open and he’s busting his way past me and into the entryway.
There is only one thing to do now and Daddy’s not going to like it. I’m going to call in the big guns.
“Paige, you need to get out of here. Rhonda called me in a frantic and told me to get you and “boy toy” here out of her house before your Dad gets over here. Apparently, your Dad wasn’t amused by Rhonda being at your house instead of you. Threatened to arrest her for breaking and entering if she didn’t tell him where you are.” I can feel my face turning beet red with fury. Damn it, Daddy! Danny and Cody are having a mini stand-off in the entryway sizing each other up. This is the last thing I need right now, they better not start marking their territory! “Hey Danny, focus, how far behind is Daddy?”
Danny slowly takes his eyes off Cody to answer me. “Your Dad is about 10 minutes behind me, it would have been 15 minutes if you hadn’t taken your sweet time coming to the door.” “Good Grief, I swear to God I’m going to move away from here, so I can finally have a life of my own! Cody let’s get out of here. I’ve got a place we can go, that my father doesn’t know about. Danny, tell Rhonda I’ll be at the secret spot code word apple.” “Paige, what the hell does that mean, code word apple?” “Danny, just never you mind, just tell Rhonda, “Apple”. She’ll know what it means.”
I turn him around and push him out the front door. “We don’t have any time to spare and you need to be gone before Daddy gets here. We don’t want to get you in the middle of this cluster. Cody grab your bag and let’s get out of here.” Cody stops me from running to grab my purse. He grabs each arm at the shoulders, “Paige, do you think running will really solve this? Wouldn’t it be better to just talk to your Dad? Maybe he’ll listen.” I give Cody the “you obviously don’t know my father” look, “Cody trust me, we need to make ourselves scarce until I can talk to my mom. It’ll be easier to talk to Daddy with Mom there. She has a way of getting him to listen.
Now come on let’s get out of here.” Cody grabs his gear and straps it on the bike. I push the button to open the garage door and he rolls out his bike. Quickly putting in the key code, the door lowers, and I hop on the back and wrap myself around him. Thank god I grabbed a jacket. Even with Cody’s warmth, I’d be freezing about now.
Just as we clear the driveway and are zooming down Hwy H, I see in the rearview mirror the red and blue lights from my Dad’s cruiser going up Rhonda’s drive. I hug myself tighter to Cody and he raises his right hand to cover mine. There is only one thing to do now and Daddy’s not going to like it. I’m going to call in the big guns.
Yelling over the night air whizzing by, “Cody, you’re going to make a right up here on Yellow Wood Lane.” He shakes his head and slows down. Leaning into the turn like the pro that I am now, we make our way down another 5 miles to a secret driveway marked only with a large wooden apple.
Pointing ahead, he follows my hand signals down the secret path. It’s hard to see, as we are deep in the backwoods. Suddenly the woods clear and we are driving around Lyons Lake. “Just a little bit further.”, I yell near his ear. Finally, we pull up to a small cottage just on the other side of the lake. I point and motion to Cody to pull in and he brings the bike to a stop. Killing the engine, we just sit there on the bike taking in blissful sounds of the country after dark.
Cody sits up and turns his head to me, “Hey there.” He claims my mouth again as we listen to a symphony of crickets. After a few minutes, I open my eyes to see the light show of a thousand fireflies blinking on and off. The aroma of lilacs, peonies, and male pheromones fill my nostrils and I can’t get enough of him. Cody slides off the bike and pulls me off as well. “So, if I were a guessing man, I’d say this is maybe another friend’s house?”
“Well you would be guessing wrong, this is mine. It’s my little art studio hideaway.” Cody gives me a little smirk smile, “Paige, you are surely a mystery to behold.” I giggle and grab his hand pulling him to the front door. “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of running around today.” I find the hidden key under the stone pig in the flower bed and unlock the door.
Inside are canvases lying about in various stages of completion. “Hey are these yours?” He sounds impressed and a little awed by my artistic ability. Smiling, he picks up one to get a better look at it. “Paige, seriously, these are really incredible.” I pull the painting out of his hand and place it back on the floor leaning against the wall. “I just do it for fun. It’s more meditative than anything. Painting helps me to escape to other places I may never get to see in real life.”
Cody comes up behind me and wraps me in his warm arms. I can’t believe how good this feels. He leans down and with his mouth right by my ear, “Hey, why don’t we get some sleep. I would love nothing better than to just hold you tonight. We can try again where we left off another time.”
I let out a heavy sigh, “Yeah you’re right. Let’s get some sleep.” I lock the front door and lead him down the short hallway to the one bedroom in the back of the cottage. I pull out a pair of pajama pants, leave on my tank top and lose the bra. He’s put on a pair of sleep shorts and has taken off his t-shirt. Washboard abs. That’s all I have to say.
I’m pretty sure I was staring and drooling because Cody cleared his throat to get my attention, “So darlin’ what side do you sleep on?” I stealthily wipe the corner of my mouth of its accumulated moisture, “I’ll just take the right side.” I pull back the sheet and blanket and he does the same as we both climb in and pull up the covers.
Why is this so awkward now? He was touching me everywhere just an hour ago in only our underwear. “Paige, honey, why don’t you come over here and lay your head on my chest.” I sigh, move over, and snuggle up into his side. Laying my head over his left chest, I can hear his heart beating so loud in my ear.
In a small whispering tired voice, “Cody, thank you for coming into my gas station. I can’t remember having a better day.” I yawn and snuggle even deeper into his side. Kissing the top of my head and whispering back, “Honey, being around you today has definitely been an interesting experience that I’m not done with by any stretch of the imagination. Now go to sleep darlin’ and let’s see what we can get ourselves into tomorrow.”