I love Betty’s Cinnamon Rolls!
Paige – Chapter seven
“Rhonda, What, in the actual fuck did I just say, out loud, in front of my heat-packing father?” “Girl, I believe you just announced to your Daddy in front of God and everybody that you were going to take Cody to your home and do the nasty. I have to say, it was one of the finer moments of my day. All I needed was some popcorn to really enjoy the show!”
Nausea washes over me and I quickly throw my hand over my mouth. I’m dry heaving looking around for a place to hurl. Rhonda shuffles me into the ladies’ room and I stumble into a bathroom stall. I land over the white porcelain bowl, my head’s pounding, and to top it off, I’m dry-heaving. “Rhonda, hoorah, hoorah, what do I do now? Hoorah.” “Well your only option, the way I see it, is take that fine ass man out there home and do the nasty.” Rhonda begins giggling lightly. “Honestly, I don’t think I would take him to your house though because you know, you kind of blurted out to your Dad what you were planning. If you want to have a chance at some action tonight, you better take him to my house instead.”
I emerge from the stall with my hand over my mouth, not quite sure if my stomach is done rolling about. I walk up to the mirror and splash some cold water on my face. Leaning against the counter, “Rhonda are you sure you want to get in the middle of this thing? You know Daddy can be a royal pain.”
Rhonda takes some towels out of the dispenser and begins drying off my face. She puts her hands on both my cheeks, “Paige look at me, this guy, he’s something special, I can tell. You may not get another chance for a while, I mean just look at him. Besides I’ll go over to your house and feed Mister Darcy.” Mister Darcy my very spoiled, very fat, black and white cat.
“I’ll just kick back, drink a bottle of your wine, and wait for the fireworks to begin when your Dad shows up thinking he’s going to catch you in the act.”I sigh, running my hand through my hair. “Ok, well, here it goes. Hey, wait, do you still have my key to get in?” “Yep, I never gave it back from the last time I checked in on Mister Darcy for you. Now go on, get out of here!”
I swing open the bathroom door with a new burst of enthusiasm and scan the back of the diner for Cody. I see him, he looks up locking gazes with me. He gives me that crooked grin and those smiling eyes and my nausea disappears completely. Smiling, I point at him and curl my finger back toward me signaling him to come over to me. Betty has loaded him down with dinner for two. He maintains eye contact and manages to look sexy as hell as he walks toward me.
“Hey darlin’ what do you say we take our food and get out of here before your Dad decides to come back to the diner and play out a Dirty Harry scene.” I begin giggle snorting, oh my God, he must think I’m insane. I can totally see my Dad doing that. I giggle even harder as I visualize Dad doing his best Clint Eastwood impression. Cody raises his right eyebrow, I’m sure he thinks I’ve done lost my mind. That’s it! I’ll claim temporary insanity and tell Dad I’ve developed Tourette’s Syndrome.
“Paige, darlin’, you ok? Your eyes got all glassy and I wasn’t sure if you were going to faint just then.” I shake my head and wave away the image of my pistol wheeling father. “I’m sorry, I just had an image of my Dad with a .44 Magnum waving it at you and saying, “You feeling lucky punk, well are ya?”
“Yeah, let’s not play out that scene, it doesn’t end well for me.” I smile winking at him and put my hand through his arm. “Come with me if you want to live.” I pull him outside. My body seems to slide easily into his side and I lean my head on his shoulder breathing him in. Night has fallen with a chill in the air. I snuggled up to him and grab the front of his jacket with my other hand. “Hey, don’t get too comfortable, there’ll be plenty of time to snuggle on the bike.”
A warm spike travels down my stomach to my neither region. “Well here we are, why don’t you hop on the back first and I’ll secure this fine meal from Betty. Uh, Paige, honey, you’re gonna need to let go of me, so you can get on the back of the bike.” “But what if I don’t want to let go?” “Darlin, trust me, I’ll be securing this food in record time. Just get on so we can go.” I reluctantly let go, step up and swing my leg over the seat. Cody wasn’t kidding about being quick, by the time I sat down, he was hopping on in front of me.
“Hey why don’t you put on my jacket otherwise you’re gonna freeze back there.” He takes off his jacket and swings it over my shoulders. I’m in heaven, I pull his jacket in tight and grab the collars smelling them like I’m in a Snuggles fabric softener commercial. “So where to now?”
“Well, we’re gonna head this way down main street and turn left at the stop sign a couple blocks up.” He kicks the bike into life and swings onto the street. I grab him around the waist, close my eyes, and lay my head against the corded muscles in his back. He’s so warm I want to climb into his lap. Paige get a grip!
I open my eyes and start pointing where we need to turn so we can finally make it to Rhonda’s house. Thank God she only lives 15 minutes away and out of sight from prying eyes. We pull up the gravel road leading to what I hope is the best night of my very inexperienced life. I hop off and open the garage door. I don’t want to take any chances with someone seeing his bike out front. “I’ll just get the key under the frog and” I stick my tongue out trying to reach to key under the frog’s belly, “Voila!”
“Voila is right, is this your place? I love the velvet Elvis painting,” he says with a good amount a snark in his voice. “Oh, uh no this is my friend Rhonda’s house. I’ll have you know though that Velvet Elvis is priceless and she’s having it auctioned off at Sotheby’s next week.” I try to maintain my serious look and burst out laughing. “It’s awful and she knows it, but it was her Grandmother’s and she keeps it for sentimental reasons. Follow me and we’ll eat that food while it’s still edible.” “Yes, ma’am.”
We walk through the house to the back door and sit on Rhonda’s back deck. I light a couple of Tiki torches to set the mood. “Well let’s see what Betty packed for us, shall we?” I open the to-go boxes and give one to Cody. “Here you go, hopefully that stomach of yours will be sated now that we finally can eat.” He looks me up and down with a smoldering smile, “My stomach isn’t the only thing that needs sating tonight darlin.” His voice is like warm hot chocolate with a shot of Jamison in it. Looking dreamily into his eyes, I’m drunk with anticipation. I think I just had a mini orgasm, is that even possible?
“Did it suddenly get hot out here?” I start fanning myself with my napkin and wiping the sweat from my forehead. I’m having another hysterical panic attack! Cody reaches over and lays his hand on mine and slowly rubs his thumb back and forth. My breathing goes back to normal after I take a deep breath and exhale. “I’m not really good at this.” I point quickly back and forth between the two of us. “Paige, let’s just relax and eat our dinner. Does your friend Rhonda have any liquid courage in her pantry? Maybe that would help calm your nerves.”
“I do believe she keeps a box of wine in the frig.” He gives me a quizzical look. “Hey, don’t knock the boxed wine. Sometimes a girl wants a glass of wine but doesn’t want to drink the whole bottle. It’s a thing.” He smiles and shakes his head digging into his food like a man on a mission. I go inside and find a glass in the cupboard and pore myself some cabernet sauvignon that’s sitting on the counter. Red wine will calm me right down and hopefully I’ll appear more experienced. Fake it till you make it so to speak.
Yelling out the back door, “Hey you want anything to drink handsome?” Downing my first glass I pour glass number two. Turning to go back outside, I run right into a six pack that is definitely not beer.
I let out a startled yelp, “Oh my God, you scared me.” He places his hands on either side of me and I realize I’m backed up against the counter with no escape. He reaches up and tucks my hair behind my right ear. He leans in next to my ear and whispers, “I was worried, you were gone too long.” His hot breath is sending chills down my spine and igniting all kinds of sparks. “I see you found some liquid courage. Let’s see if it’s working yet.”
His mouth comes down over mine and his soft warm lips taste like Betty’s cinnamon rolls. “I love Betty’s cinnamon rolls.” He pulls back just slightly, “They’re the best damn cinnamon rolls I’ve ever had.” “Did I just use my outside voice?” He chuckles, “Yes, yes you did, now let’s go back to using your inside voice.”
He takes the glass of wine and sets it on the counter and lifts me up, stepping in-between my legs. This is really happening! What am I supposed to do? I have no clue what to do and I’m not nearly drunk enough to fake it. His mouth comes back in for round two and I grab the front of his shirt and pull him in even further. He’s rubbing up against the spot that only my fingers have touched and I’m about to explode. I throw my arms around his neck and his hands find their way under my shirt exploring my belly traveling up to cover my right breast with his warm calloused hand.
I break away from his mouth and he’s kissing down my neck to my collar bone and pinches my right nipple. “Ahhh, woah there Cowboy. Cody slow down.” He pulls his head back and looks deeply into my eyes. “Paige, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you. I’ve wanted to get my hands on you since we left the gas station.” He brings his hand up to cradle the side of my head tangling his fingers in my red hair. His mouth comes back down giving me the softest sweetest kiss I’ve ever had. He then kisses my forehead and leans his head against mine. “Cody, I’m not saying stop, I’m just not very experienced and I don’t want to screw this up.” “Darlin’, there isn’t anything you could do to screw this up. Trust me. When you say you’re not very experienced, what do you mean?”
“Well, you could say I’m like Jesus’s Mom Mary.” His confused look turns quickly into realization. “You mean you’re a virgin?” My face turns bright red and unfortunately, it’s not from the wine. “How could you still be a virgin? I mean look at you, you’re gorgeous.” Paige pushes against his chest to release her from his hold. She runs into the living room and up the stairs toward the bathroom.
“Paige! Wait!” Cody runs after her taking two steps at a time to catch her before she gets the door closed. “I told you I’m no good at this. You deserve someone who can make you feel good and knows what she’s doing.” Cody pulls her into the warmth of his arms and tucks her head under his chin.
Talking into her hair, “Paige, you are the most fiery, beautiful, bravest woman I’ve ever met. I can’t believe how lucky I am right now. It would be my honor to bring you over the threshold into womanhood. A man lives for an experience like this. If you want to go that far, I’ll will make it the best experience you could possibly ever have. I’ll be gentle and take it slow.”
Paige pulls back and looks up at Cody with tears welling in her eyes, “Cody are you sure you don’t mind that I’m not experienced? I know absolutely nothing except what I’ve read about and the limited amount of petting from a couple guys in High School. I’m a complete novice.”
“Honey don’t cry.” He pulls her back into his arms and gives her a hug to end all hugs. A hug that’s warm and safe that she doesn’t want to end. Paige takes his hands and leads him into Rhonda’s guest bedroom. Looking up into his eyes, “Cody, I’m ready to learn, if you’re willing to teach me.”