How to Win a Guy by Laughing Hysterically Until You Hyperventilate
Paige – Chapter Three
I’m standing there staring, just downright staring at his backside as he struts out to that souped-up Harley like he hasn’t got a care in the world. I look down and I am literally drooling onto my counter. “Oh, good lord, what is wrong with me?”
I wipe up the wet spot and dry my hand on the front of my grease covered overalls. I get back to closing out my cash drawer for the day and see my reflection. Is that dirt on my cheek? I wipe the smudge off with a clean rag from my pocket. It’s not like you’ve never seen a good-looking guy before Paige. Pull it together girl, you still got to make it through a whole dinner with that smart mouth of his. I peek out the window and see he is busy cleaning up his bike and decide to call over to Betty’s to reserve a booth and see who is cooking tonight. God, I hope it’s Betty.
“Hey Rhonda, I was going to stop in for dinner and was wondering who you ‘all got in the kitchen tonight?” “Hey Paige, Betty’s cooking tonight. Pete called in sick today, but I think someone slipped him something last night at Brody’s Bar to prevent further food casualties.” Rhonda laughs to herself, “I’m joking but seriously, that boy cannot cook worth a darn. I really don’t know why Betty keeps him around.” “Rhonda, Pete just needs some time to get acclimated to short order cooking and Betty keeps hoping that he has some of her cooking gene. I’m with you though, I think he’s a lost cause in the kitchen.”
I turn around and peek out the window again at this guy who has me all befuddled. I normally don’t act like a star-struck school girl around guys and it’s really annoying me. Cody catches me peaking at him. He smiles and winks at me as he’s leaning up against his bike with his arms crossed across his chest. Man, it has been a long time since I’ve had me some strong arms around me. I quickly turn my line of sight back to my computer screen and pretend I didn’t see him wink at me. Oh my god, did I just drool again? Good Lord help me. I quickly wipe the drop away and refocus.
“How busy are you guys over there Rhonda? Can I have my usual spot in the back?” “Sure, no worries. I’ll make sure Mary doesn’t sit anyone back there. Are you eating alone, or do you have a hot date?” “Rhonda, since when have you known me to have a “hot date” in this town?” “Well you’ve got a point, Alma is not known for its hot guys. Please tell me one came into town and you’re going to share!” “It just so happens that a handsome stranger did come into town today but I’m not sharing. You go find your own hot guy!” “Ooh, I’m intrigued. How did you meet this handsome stranger?” “Well just now at the station, he just showed up lost, hungry, and oh my God Rhonda he has the most gorgeous green eyes and a backside that needs a spankin’.”
“Can’t wait to get a look at him. I’ll let you know it he merits a second date after I’ve given him the once over.” I can just see Rhonda scheming on how to implement her signature third-degree session, twirling that loose piece of hair that always seems to escape from her ponytail. Rhonda has the expertise of a seasoned detective and I’m always amazed how much information she can get out of someone in a five-minute conversation. She’s like Nancy Drew on steroids.
“So, when should we expect your grand entrance?” “We’ll be over in 10.” “Ok chick see ya in a bit.” I hang up and just throw all my receipts and cash in the safe because concentration is no where to be found. I’ll just take care of it tomorrow. I go in the back and strip off the overalls and thank god I have on my sassy jeans today. I fuss at my hair and clean up my face and throw on some lip balm. “Ok Paige, just play it cool. You go out on dates with handsome strangers all the time. It’s no big deal. Oh my god who am I kidding?”
I walk back out to the front of the station and lock up. I slowly walk over to where Cody is still leaning against his bike. He’s giving me that damn sexy grin and his green eyes are crinkling at the corners as he watches me approach. “You all set?” Just then his stomach chimes in with its two cents on how long I had taken inside. “Wow you really need to feed that stomach of yours before it vacates your body to look for food!” Another louder growl from his stomach as if to confirm it was contemplating just that. “Well Betty’s Café isn’t that far from here. I’ll just hop into my car and you can follow me over.”
He lifts himself off the bike and slowly moves in closer to me, “I could do that, or you could just climb on the back of my bike. I could drive you back here after we eat to pick up your car.” His hopeful grin is too cute. How can I say no to that? “I guess I could do that, it’s been awhile since I’ve ridden on the back of a Harley. Can I see your drivers license first?” He gives me a weird look but pulls it out of his wallet and gives it to me. I pull out my phone and snap a picture and text it to Rhonda. “Just in case you try to kidnap me, I texted your license to my friend. A girl can’t be too careful these days.”
He moves in even closer and reaches for his license, slowly pulling it out of my hand. He stands about 5 inches taller than me and I’m staring up into his mischievous green eyes unable to move. His other hand goes behind my back, pulling me in the rest of the distance between us. He’s so close his breath feathers across my lips and oh my God he smells like cinnamon and Musk by Javon. “If I was going to kidnap you, I would have done it already but it’s not a bad idea.” He leans in and moves my hair to the side whispering in my ear, “The night’s still young though.”
I don’t know what came over me next. Maybe Cody omitted some supernatural pheromone, or my sexual hunger strike wanted to be fed but suddenly, I threw my arms around his neck and climbed him like a jungle gym. Kissing him like there’s no tomorrow he quickly gets over his initial shock and is getting into my spontaneity. I realize what I’m doing and jump back off him. I’m in shock and start breathing hard and it turns into hysterical laughter. I’m laughing so hard I start to hyperventilate. Cody sprang into action and ran over to his bike and pulled out a paper bag from his pack. “Paige look at me, put this over your mouth and nose and breathe into the bag. That’s it, breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. You’re doing good.”
Cody grabs me around the middle and walks me over to a concrete ledge to sit me down. He squats down in front of me. Pointing to his eyes with his index and middle fingers, “Paige look at me, breathe in and breathe out.” I’m staring at him and I’m beginning to slow my breathing back to normal. His green eyes crinkle and his worried look is turning into a smile. “Are you feeling better? It’s not often I’m aroused and have the hell scared out of me in the span of two minutes.”
I pull the bag away from my face and lean my head forward so my hair falls to shield my embarrassment. “Cody, I am so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” He takes his index finger and pulls my chin up so that I’m looking into those gorgeous smiling green eyes. “Darlin what do ya say we hop on my bike and go eat some food, so I can regain my strength for round two?”